**Cyclical Vertigo -- Pediatric **

The above posts describe my daughter’s struggles with cyclic vertigo. She began having episodes of vertigo every 80-85 days when she was about 5. She always woke up nauseated and dizzy. The dizziness wore off during the day only to return the next day for a time frame of 4-5 days. She was also extremely light sensitive during the episodes. In between episodes she was completely asymptomatic. She saw numerous neurologists and had a complete neuro work up on several occasions. She was on many different medications from beta blockers to antidepressants with no change in the cyclic vertigo. She missed many days of school. It was extremely frustrating because the doctors had no idea what was causing the episodes and the various medications were just trial and error. I kept a journal all those years recording her epidsodes and all of the medications she took at various times. When she was a junior in college she was placed on adderall for attention deficit disorder. She has not had a recurrence of the vertigo since she began taking adderall. I don’t really know if this is related but it seems too coincidental not to be. Needless to say, this has been life changing for her as she has now graduated college and is working. I wanted to share this since so many of these posts are so similar to her situation and this is the only medication that was helpful

I wish we too could say this.
My daughter began having a migraine with dizziness at the age of 12. (she is now 17) The attacks come at exactly ever 65-72 days.
She also wakes up in the morning with the attack, vomits the whole morning, feels a bit better in the afternoon and the next day
all over again. THis goes on for 5 days.
I have been keeping track for years now.
No medication till now has helped: Topomax,Lopressor,Uramox.
Vitanmin B2 helped a bit.
She also has ADD and started taking Adderal. Unfortunately it caused her eyes to bulge and we had to go to
an eye specialist and do an MRI ,
and then when we stopped the Adderall these symptoms went away.
So now she takes the Adderall only for exams. So we are still stuck with the cyclic recurring migrains.

— Begin quote from “mykidsaredizzy”

I wish we too could say this.
My daughter began having a migraine with dizziness at the age of 12. (she is now 17) The attacks come at exactly ever 65-72 days.
She also wakes up in the morning with the attack, vomits the whole morning, feels a bit better in the afternoon and the next day
all over again. THis goes on for 5 days.
I have been keeping track for years now.
No medication till now has helped: Topomax,Lopressor,Uramox.
Vitanmin B2 helped a bit.
She also has ADD and started taking Adderal. Unfortunately it caused her eyes to bulge and we had to go to
an eye specialist and do an MRI ,
and then when we stopped the Adderall these symptoms went away.
So now she takes the Adderall only for exams. So we are still stuck with the cyclic recurring migrains.

— End quote

Hi, I haven’t seen your posts elsewhere so maybe this has been answered, but did the docs diagnose her with migraines or Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome? It sounds a lot like it from your description. Has she tried any tricyclic antidepressants yet? Does she have anti-nausea meds for her attacks? If you know they are coming, maybe being ready with something could be an option. Phenergan (promethazine) is effective for many and comes in a suppository. I’m sure you have probably already thought of these things, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to bring them up.

My son is 6 years old and has had cyclical vertigo for over three years. It comes every 8 wheels almost always to the day. We have had all the balance , hearing, allergy, cardiac testing and an MRI. His last dx was benign vertigo “probably” a migraine variant. We were told to push fluids and give him Benedryl, which we have not found to be helpful. His episodes last 3 days with day 2 being the worst. He usually vomits from nausea at least once or twice. Bright light bothers him and on day two, he cannot handle movement (TV, sitting, etc). It’s miserable and we are missing school/work and he’s missed parties, field trips, and play dates. Has anyone had any success with preventative treatments? I feel that People do think we are crazy when we say he has vertigo evert 8 weeks because it’s so rare. We need help.

My daughter has the same condition: cyclic vertigo with highly predictable recurrence. She had episodes every 80 days or so when she was about 3, but the period has slowly increased to about 150 days now.
(She’s now 15.) As she’s gotten older, the duration of the episodes seems to have increased. Last year, we had to home school because she missed about half her first semester. She has other symptoms too (headache, nausea, light sensitivity), but vertigo is the big one. Has anyone found any medication that makes any difference? We’ve tried just about every medication you could think of, to no avail. For anyone else who has this highly predictable vertigo, I’ve set up a facebook group called “Cycle Vertigo Support Group.” I’d love to hear from you.

Hi received an email from you (baresnowy - coxmjc@btinternet.com.)
I am now baresnowy1 - Rosiec3483@gmail.com.
You asked about the propanolol 40g tablets. After taking these my sons symptoms went completely, he was on them for about a year I think and then weaned off. He had no side effects from the tablet which is a beta blocker which is used for high blood pressure usually but his doctor said it would thin the blood through the brain. A couple of months ago he woke up and seemed to have the symptoms he took the tablets for a week and no symptoms since. I often wondered if it was a puberty condition. Very worrying I hope your daughter outgrows it soon. I tried to find your Facebook page but nothing came up! Good luck x let me know if you try it and it works I will say a little prayer x

Hi. Did you get anywhere investigating this.

My Daughter has the exact same symptoms. I would really like to know what is trigger them.

Many thanks


Did you get anywhere investigating this.
My daughter has the exact same symptoms.
I would really like to know what is causing them

Many thanks

Sorry for the late answer, but I guess life keeps you busy and I just haven’t been back to visit this site till today.
She was diagnosed with migraines. It’s not exactly CVS like. She has had Beta blockers but not anti depressants.
They haven’t been suggested by the neurologist. Thanks for your answer.

Mark, We basically diagnosed our daughter with MAV. I really really tried to find a trigger but nothing. We did EKGs, MRIs, checked for Meniere’s, allergies, etc. and no obvious link. She found improvement after being on amitriptyline, with decreasing symptoms and now basically no symptoms. Maybe this was coincidence with out-growing it but who knows. Feel free to email me at rrflaten@yahoo.com. I also stay in touch with a small group of parents via email as we give each other updates. I don’t know about the facebook page someone on this thread asked about however.

Hi. What is the facebook group called pleased, I cant find it
many thanks

The group is called Cyclic Vertigo Support Group.

Better late than never: She was given to try an antidepressant this week. We will see. The doctors don’t seem to like discussing the diagnosis so much. They tend to say it doesn’t matter lets try this or that. But Next time round I’ll try being more firm concerning diagnosis.

We are still here. Still hoping for some cure. Nothing seems to change. The same cyclic nature,same migraine and vertigo. Nothing has helped.