31 year old with a 9 year VM/PPPD history

My understanding of compensation (having experienced it in the ā€˜trueā€™ sense after my BPPV episode), is that it occurs over weeks & months rather than hours. After my BPPV was fixed with the Epley, I still had positional dizziness when my head was turned to my left side (BPPV side) and when facing straight down for a few weeks. This positional dizziness gradually went away as I did the habituation exercises, but my VM/PPPD symptoms were unchanged throughout this process.

What I was referring to was simply the fact that a lot of the time, the VM symptoms seem to reduce in intensity (over the course of 1-2 hours) if I ā€˜push throughā€™ the unpleasantness, which doesnā€™t seem right somehow, since it seems like the migraine should be further ā€˜triggeredā€™ rather than alleviated. Just wondering what other peopleā€™s experiences are with this.

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For sure, I was dizzy/imbalanced for 3.5 years! Now I hardly ever have issues with my balance, nor vertigo. But who knows if thatā€™s a mixture of compensation and other improvements? Was there something neurological that has recovered? Was it an inner ear improvement? I donā€™t think I will ever get an answer.

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Where in the USA are you from? I also live in the USA. You have a lot of good info and feedback

Iā€™m in Maryland/Delaware/Virginia region. Iā€™m a bioinformaticist, so although not a doctor, I know how to sift through bullshit vs reality :joy:

2 posts were split to a new topic: I appreciate so much that youā€™re better now and still find the time to talk to all of us

How are you feeling now @nycsg

Iā€™ve taken propranolol for a total of 4 weeks now - 2 weeks at 60mg, another 2 at 80mg, and just today jumped to 120mg extended release.

Overall Iā€™m a bit better (maybe 30%), although thereā€™s a lot of fluctuation. I am able to work on a screen from home (though I definitely have a mild to moderate amount of discomfort while working) and Iā€™ve started heading into the office for half days 2x a week. Still havenā€™t tried watching TV. Sometimes when Iā€™m at home and not too active, I can have a couple of hours where I feel 75% back to baseline, but it doesnā€™t stay that way when I get more active or do something visually triggering (like TV). However, in general, I donā€™t feel house bound anymore - I can function in shopping malls and stores, I can move around the city via public transit, and I can hang out with friends at my home or theirs. All of these activities cause a fair amount of discomfort so I donā€™t do them a lot, but I no longer feel like Iā€™m having a seizure and/or panic attack when I attempt them. I still randomly manage to trigger terrible episodes of dizziness & depersonalization a few times a week, but they seem to be shorter lived - the worst passes within an hour and then the hangover lasts another few hours.

So I seem to be making progress, although it isnā€™t quick. My 24/7 symptoms are still quite elevated compared to pre-COVID but theyā€™re starting to become less intrusive. The really bad episodes of dizziness/depersonalization are settling down quicker. And the light and sound sensitivity is showing a meaningful downtrend also.

Now that Iā€™m at 120mg ER propranolol, I plan to stay at this level for the next 4 weeks and then re-assess whether to try another medication or stay on the propranolol. I am getting better, but I am wondering whether itā€™s the propranolol or simply time thatā€™s making the difference.


It is so interesting what you wrote. The other day I told myself ā€œjust accept and continue, keep walking,ā€ and it worked. I got home, no drama. Maybe both feed each other VM and anxiety. It is a circle.


A post was split to a new topic: Medication can definitely give you your life back

@nycsg Completely recognize this! Chronic VM, varying in degree (no head pain). Feeling completely disconnected from the environment while walking. Being ultracareful about foot placement. Wondering why Iā€™m not falling to the ground! But I keep walking - though completely unenjoyably - and can even say hello amiably, as required. But itā€™s all a dream. Wondering, surely I look like a zombie, wonder if people will rush over to help or call 911! But, of course, I look normal (ha!). I think I dislike the feeling of disconnect more than anything else.

It is so devilishly hard to convey the mix of symptoms/experiences to anyone other than another migraineur.

We get to be pretty tough, though. Good wishes