Great video, Max, thanks for creating and sharing, appreciate you coming back to do so. Our members really need messages like this!
I particularly resonated with the mindset change idea and how you can turn the whole thing on its head, and accept that through this albeit extremely painful experience you can:
Learn new things
I actually enjoyed some of the doctors visits to see a whole new world of what medicine was up to. I enjoyed the psychologists visits at a meta level: I’d never been to a therapist before! Again, fascinating!
Learn about yourself
A time to focus on different aspects of yourself, not just, perhaps, the ambitious, money making side?
Your situation is a temporary one
Vast majority of people improve dramatically and some even 100% I’m told. Some people have to learn to live with the some more minor symptoms that might be left over, but that’s doable and they tend to fade away slowly too. It’s soooo important to keep this in mind through the dark times. See: A quote for coping with MAV
I would add (?):
Use the chance to re-invent yourself and change your life for the better
I completely changed my job situation and as I got better promised myself to focus only doing work I found interesting and meaningful and got rid of the “mainly about the money” goal and motive. The illness helped me see that life is short and gave me a natural review moment upon which I seized!
The whole event stopped me just going around in the same boring, predictable circle, or as if I was just on a desperate treadmill, doing the same thing over and over as if only that dimension mattered?
It almost certainly helped me appreciate my partner even more and the privilege of having someone who loves you and definitely helped to lead us to getting married.
I suppose that means I started to take much less for granted, but in a positive way.
Focus on new things, appreciate and get joy from the small things in life
The illness gave me a new focus on my immediate environment, especially nature. That new appreciation brings its own joy. I feel other members have found this too, eg @flutters, who has posted many beautiful pictures from her exploration, although it obviously helps, as in her case, if you live in a particularly stunning environment ! Perhaps if you don’t, that’s another change you can consider? ;). At the time I used to walk up London’s canal system for hours, watching the birds, the fish and the people go by, appreciating all this going on in a peaceful spot in an otherwise busy city, very calming!
All of those things turn what initially appears to be only dreadfully, desperately, unendingly negative into something wonderfully positive!
Hope you continue to see improvements matey, all the best!! Thanks again for your thought provoking Topic.