I guess that’s going to depend on who answers. Everybody id different and by my understanding even individuals experiences vary. I know at least two people who experience straight migraine not VM but who always experience auras beforehand. So regular and uniform that they know exactly how long it will be before the actual attack hits. Very convenient as it gives them time to get home etc. All very civilised I’ve always thought but they are just two individuals. If I treat my vestibular attacks as ‘migraine’ which the specialists say they are then I must have had at least 20 major bedbound ones that last days/weeks before I’ve ever experienced an aura and to date I’ve had three or thereabouts and that’s in 18 years. Even then they were not of the Scintillating Scotoma type you describe of which🤞So far I’ve only ever had the one following a home-cooked Chinese meal and which is written up here Ocular or retinal migraine. Incorrect title but I’d never experienced anything similar before and didn’t know!
I’ve taken the personal experience option here. But thinking about it if you interrogated some specialists I suspect you’d get a much more complicated answer advocating theory along the lines of vestibular attacks actually being part of the aura and it’s all part of the same thing. The specialists spend hours Discussing this subject and write papers about it. I think they all acknowledge that not every attack comes complete with every phase though. As many MAVers don’t actually develop a headache most on here would already appreciate that.
You will find lots of other references if you use the Search facility. Here’s one example
Eye aura