Computer and tv screen intolerance

Just happened on this older post whilst same topic was going through my head. I’m wondering what element of work-related injury is part of MAV. Obviously by very virtue of our comunications media I’m addressing a skewed audience but it’s interesting to know how many hours sufferers do spend looking at a screen. I was told yrs ago that had I had some outdoor job rather than a desk job with 40+ a day for yrs on a computer in all probability I’d never have needed to wear specs at least until old age reading glasses were required. Sure the human body wasn’t designed for such stationary pursuits, a psychotherapist told me yrs ago whilst trying to sort my backache. So I’ve got to wondering how much impact those screens really are having on our poor brains. Maybe they are the cause of the migraine in those susceptible.

Like you @jess09 I’ve suffered virtually all those same symptoms except TV screens are included as well in my case. Worst of all probably the football match where the moving advertising hording goes in the opposite direction to the play and some of those panoramic shots particularly tennis. The more you watch the worse it gets which makes me suspect computers etc could well be involved in MAV.

Life is certainly a lottery. We all have to work, to eat. Among a gang of my female friends, 5 or 6 in total, the fittest and most healthy is the one who has spent her entire working life cleaning other people’s houses. Despite all being dog owners which is how we met, she too is the only one who can still do a regular 5 mile+ walk and goes on regular walking holidays. She doesn’t own a computer or a Smart phone or wear specs. Makes you think? Who needs VRT when there’s housework?