Constant MAV

You can most certainly have symptoms 24/7. For me, my headaches are variable, but MAV symptoms (dizziness) are ALWAYS present for over 2 1/2 years. I have MAV, and have no inner-ear damage. A huge misunderstanding of this illness is that it is episodic, but that is not at all true for many of us. It is perplexing about how a migraine can last 24/7. I spent years questioning it, and at this point after being diagnosed by a plethora of doctors I have accepted that MAV can indeed be 24/7. that being said, many have gotten better with medication, and I look forward to trialing meds again soon.

Hi all,
I think part of the confusion is merely a matter of semantics. I too have unrelenting symptoms for 2+ years… constant dizzines. To use the word migraine may mislead what is really happening in our brains. The migraine is merely the trigger which has caused a non-stop misfiring so to speak of neurotransmitters for example and this is what must be toned down by meds. That is the whole idea behind the cortical spreading nature of migraine and how in MAV’rs it also hits the vestibular system.


My main thing is that I’m wondering while many of us have Constant MAV, is the severity of the MAV constant? Do some people only have moderate symptoms of the same severity, all the time? Never worse, but never better? I guess whats difficult for MAV is that it is an illness of exclusion. Many other inner ear disturbances/neurological vestibular problems have 24/7 symptoms. The good thing is that as MAVers, we have medication for it. I have heard of people with labryinthitis that have horrible symptoms for a very long time, and there is not much they can do about it. It seems like most people with MAV are able to function on some level because the symptoms can be under control through diet. If migraine is brought on by triggers and other things, which these triggers are reduced, how come the dizziness is not always reduced?

I would highly suggest reading Heal your headache, by Dr. Buchholz. I think it might answer some of your questions. For me, diet alone did nothing to decrease my dizziness. I am definitely a person who needs medication to knock this out. I think this book will shed light on many of your questions. This is such a perplexing disorder. I was told that I do not have Labs/VN after having a number of balance/inner ear testing which all came back negative.

— Begin quote from “coug”

Can anyone who has constant dizziness symptoms with MAV please describe them? Is it 24/7 or do you have “attacks” of MAV after certain triggers. Anything you can tell me about dizziness associated with MAV would be great. I really need to find a diagnosis

— End quote

I used to have what appeared to be a series of attacks - severe vertigo that would decrease over a period of a few days, then nothing for weeks, even months. Then in June, BIG attack and until I was started on Ritalin in November, the dizziness was constant. Even with the meds, I have to be mindful of what I eat and the situations I place myself in. Weather is also an issue.

Answering the question to “if your Mav is 24/7 is the severity of your dizziness constant?” No, on a scale if 0 to 10, 0 being a normal person and 10 being a full blown meniere’s attack, I vary daily from 1 to 5. The attacks I get I describe as being from 5 to 8 on this scale.

With my medication, I’m somewhere between a 1-3. Last night, however, I went way off diet and indulged in pizza. Even with medication today, I’m somewhere between 6-7 and foggy brained, ears full and jumpy vision. Noticing also that these new, twisty, energy-saver fluorescent lights at work are making things worse. Lights off - open shades and increase afternoon dose of meds.

I am dizzy 24-7. Been that way for 18 months. I took a motion sickness pill and was 100% better. Told my Dr. & he told me NOT to take them as it would only prolong the symptoms and confuse my brain… I can’t work, drive or leave my house unless I am in a wheelchair. It’s horrible. :frowning:

HI guys

Im still feeling dizzy and getting pretty depressed about it. Can someone tell me if I should start taking meds for migraine? What are the classic symptoms of 24/7 MAV? does it wax and wane for you guys?

you obviously need to see a neuro who specialises in vertigo. i have symptoms 24/7 no relief some days are worse than others/couch ridden.I had a bad case of nystgmus but it hasnt happened since. Ive also got right vestibular nerve dysfunction i presume from the chemicals that are released. Some have it worse than others and meds are hit and miss.Get to the dr and see if they agree on mav and start trialling meds which is easier said than done (ive only done 2 so far and no better). Its only way youll know, theres really no point guessing as many symptoms overlap and even drs will get it wrong. If you have headache/migraine or a history of it youll probably fall into mav and if you get well on med then you know its a certainity.

I second Scott’s description- Totally the EXACT same for me too.

I just tried staring at an object and my eyes will not keep it straight! So scary! It’s like my eyes keep adjusting without me moving them. I was at the beach and was staring at the horizon and my eyes, brain, whatever is the problem just would not keep it straight. This is very scary to me and had never noticed this before.

On a scale, my 24/7 daily dizzies vary from 3-5 and and my attacks are 8-10.