Did I just cause PLF? (Somewhat Embarrassing Post)

I started out with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BBPV). My dizziness specialist ENT performed the Epley Manuever and fixed that problem. Then I was dx’d with Vestibular Migraines, which I have since found out through a physical therapist that specializes in vestibular problems, that it is my neck. She also thinks all the antibiotics I was on, caused damage to my inner ear that causes me to be dizziness when I see super busy patterns like walking on some carpeting that is a busy pattern. If everyone tore their eardrum sitting on the toilet too long, my husband would have that problem too. LoL. Take your thumbs & put them behind your ear(s) where the bone is and press & see if it is sore. Our Sternocleidomastoid muscles affects our head, eyes, sinus, ears, throat and can cause VM symptoms with pain, dizziness, ear popping, migraines (I get severe pain behind both eyes), amongst other symptoms. Also, the muscles at the base of our head. Try putting your thumb into those areas as well. If they feel sore, you may just have a neck muscle problem. I am so much better doing the neck exercises. If the ENT’s could think outside their box, there are probably so many of us that actually have neck muscle issues versus VM’s. My exercises make my severe eye pain go away as well.