Draft poll for supplements

Sure thing! I take Potassium Gluconate:

(NB from admin: these images link to products members have found helpful and at the same time help fund the site: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. More recommended supplements here. Thanks for your support!)

Potassium Gluconate

For Probiotics I take BioSchwartz 40 Billion CFU Probiotic (honestly no clue what any of that means - but the probiotic works!)

BioSchwartz Probiotic

Hi James,

I found this supplement(Alpha Lipoic Acid) from the facebook group and other migraine forums and many users vouched for it. This one improves insulin sensitivity and helpful for migraine in general.

If it is not too late can you add Alpha-Lipoic Acid to the list please


@turnitaround Ginger? esp for the nausea. I would just lump all forms (teas, mints, candies/chews, supplement capsules, etc.) under just ginger, but that’s just me.

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Updated the draft above

@BHMaloney thank you for your suggestions, added Potassium, Turmeric and ‘Probiotics’ … was a little worried about the latter, but they have a wiki page so have included

Anything else before we go live people?

for me, add in
Curcumin (turmeric)
Vitamin C
vitamin b2
fish and omega oils

oh and vitamin D

A lot of these were already included :slight_smile:

What type of Calcium and Zinc - what is their full name?

Are you referring to Omega 3? Isn’t Omega 3 same as fish oil?

I think you could just say “calcium.” There are several different types (calcium carbonate and calcium citrate are probably the most common) but I’m not sure it matters as far as its effects.

Same for Magnesium?

Unless there’s a clearly best form.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: POLL: What supplements have helped you?