Ear Pain

I was wondering if anyone else has had ear pain. This is a new symptom for me, and seems to have come along with increased tinnitus. If so, how long did it last, and what do you attribute it to?

I have had on and off ear pain for 8 months, the onset of the MAV.
Are you having new symptoms?

— Begin quote from “inafog”

I was wondering if anyone else has had ear pain. This is a new symptom for me, and seems to have come along with increased tinnitus. If so, how long did it last, and what do you attribute it to?

— End quote

Yes. Pretty much new for me too (once, about 10 years ago as part of the mother of all migraines I had some muffled hearing once every other sense had gone haywire/kaput). Off and on now for two months.

I attribute it to migraine!


Yes, I’ve had ear fullness/pain in my right ear since MAV began (14 months ago). I asked Dr Granot (Sydney specialist) what causes it - he replied “can’t answer that one”! I don’t have tinnitus and my hearing is fine so it’s another of life’s mysteries!
The fullness and/or pain intensity vary but like Victoria I assume it’s connected with migraine in some way.

This is more than fullness, I have felt fullness before, but my dizziness is worse, and my ear is killing me, it feels hot and sharp pain too. Is that what you have had too?

Yes! I have had ear pain on and off since MAV started for me. I now call them “eargraines.” The pain can be excruciating! It is like a stabbing knife deep in my right ear. I have tried taking Relpax (a triptan) for the ear pain and it does work to dull it down for me. I have also suffered from fullness in both ears, and a feeling of fluid in my right ear. Never experienced any hearing loss or tinnitus though.

What I have come to realize is that my eargraines are almost always food related. If you can identify foods that cause this pain (for me it would be 5 mins after I ate the food) then you might be able to prevent them from happening. My neurologist seemed to think that ear pain, although not a common symptom, was still migraine just manifesting in a different way. I will either get the ear pain, or a head migraine right in the center of my forehead. Never both at the same time though.

My offending foods are: ketchup, coffee, salsa, hummus, tea, pasta salad, white vinegar, chocolate, alcohol, magnesium supplements and more to be discovered.

Thanks for the response. I can’t think of a food that is causing it…it is fairly constant, but my balance has also been out of control as well, so maybe I am just in an acute state right now.

That makes sense to be in an acute state at the moment. When this all started for me I would have a week here and there where I had constant ear fullness, on and off pain and increased dizziness. It always passed though so hang in there. Drinking ginger and honey in hot water helped a bit, as did taking Relpax and Ativan if the pain got out of control.

Yes. I experienced ear pain as a symptom for the first time last week. It was my left ear. Along with the ear pain, I had pressure behind my left eye, which I also had with my first major episodes last summer. I knew right away it had to be migraine. (I was officially diagnosed with vestibular migraine in December.)

As others have said here, the symptoms morph. Last weekend, I woke up with severe ringing in both ears, decreased/muffled hearing and a feeling of spaceyness. That kept coming back all day. Googled the symptoms. Sure enough, they’re vestibular migraine symptoms.

The earache lasted most of an afternoon and came back briefly at times over the next several days.

Makes me wonder what will happen next.