Feel Worse at Morning Time

I’m the opposite, I’m 100% in the morning and deteriorate throughout the rest of the day. By evening time, I’m a write-off.

I feel like crap immediately when I wake up in the morning. I have pressure in the back of my head, a fuzzy feeling in my head, I can feel my heartbeat in my head, and increased imbalance. These symptoms get better as the day goes on, but never go away fully. I plan to start a calcium channel blocker next, because these symptoms kinda sound like a blood vessel issue going on in my head…

I have this tightening pressure in the back of my head like someone is pulling all my long hair as hard as they can…

I wish all day could feel like I feel in the mornings… I’m still struggling when it comes to evening time and now my parents have banned me (I’m 34 hahah) from going out on the nights I have to work (so Tues, Weds, Thurs nights I’m effectively grounded) as I just cant function.


Mornings are shitty…no other way around it! No matter how much sleep I get, how well I eat the night before, how much I exercise, I feel like crap for a good one hour or so.

Been that way for a good 4 or 5 years. I am just used to it now.

Then my body slowly starts to acclimate to the meds/environment and I start to feel O.K. (not awesome…but O.K.)

Mornings…ughhhhh :evil:


Mornings (my favorite time of the day) are always the hardest for me. By 1- 2:00pm I will often feel a bit less dizzy and by night much better. Starts all over again the next morning. Though I must say overall I am much better now then 3-4 years ago. There are many mornings now when I feel almost normal and it continues throughout the day. Hang tight.

Wow, I’m the opposite - great mornings, symptoms gradually increase during the day. When I’m really busy at work, I get there early and do the most mentally difficult things first. I know I’ve had a really good day if I still feel good at bedtime.

The feeling worse in the morning routine is normal for me. It’s generally a lot worse when I sleep on a floor, or a hard surface other than a bed…weird, I know. The bad feeling will usually go away when I’m fully awake.