Getting hammered!

This is great proof that it’s not always food that triggers for everyone. Sometimes a trigger has come from hormones, or a fall or any number of things! i’ve been doing the diet for 2 months now and no chance for me either. Although, even before the big hit of vertigo, my hangovers were always very “floaty” and i was in bed all day… so i know that will be the case for me. I’ve never withstood caffeine either… but foods, naaaa they don’t seem to be making a difference just yet! x

Alcohol apparently helps me, too! I gave up alcohol when I first got dizzy over 5 months ago. I had only had a small white wine once a month or so if I was feeling really good that day. A few weeks ago I was with friends and thought I’d just go ahead and have a couple glasses of wine and BAM. The best I’d felt in weeks. Now if I’m having a lot of symptoms I’ll have a glass or two and it 100% of the time will take away the head fog and pressure and imbalance and I feel normal. I don’t overdo it, drink 2 glasses of water per drink, and stick to white wine or vodka. I was really surprised how much it helped me!

Its so funny Luna,

How alcohol makes us feel more stable… when normally it is the cause for people feeling unstable lol!

They need to create a drug which mimics all of the good things as alcohol without the terrible hangover, then we will be cured!

I’d pay for that drug, lol!

My joke through all of this was that I needed to wear a button or carry around business cards that say “I’m not drunk” b/c I was always swaying and slurring my words and all head foggy. Funny that I need to actually have a buzz to not look drunk:)

oh you actually physically wobble?

I just have the sensation but don’t actually physically look any different… amazing how this affects us differently

I did for the first few months (a side to side sway like walking on a boat in rough seas). Now it is less common…and more of a light headedness that can make me drop to the floor. Sometimes I get a pull to the right feeling. More and more of the time I just look spacey and walk slow when it hits. I just need to drink more, lol!

— Begin quote from ____

They need to create a drug which mimics all of the good things as alcohol without the terrible hangover, then we will be cured!

— End quote

This is sort of what a lot of the anti-epileptics and other drugs ARE. They are sedatives–which slow the neurons in our brains and give us some relief.

Steer clear of the self medicating with alcohol–don’t forget all the horrible life damaging effects THAT can have as well.

Fun for the once in awhile–but not for life. :expressionless: