Help me.

Good post Chris. Cheers !

Have you had that swin headed night after night? Also how many mris have u had?

Are you dizzy during the day ?

No really I used to be though at my worst time amd if I am its anxiety or not eating enough.

Not eating enough i get migraines too.

Have you tried the epley ?
Have you tried sleeping in a recliner?

What positive steps have you taken to stop the dizzies in your sleep. What position do yiu sleep in. Perhaps you need to try sleeping with your head raised on higher pillows. When I first had vertigo my own doctor told me not to go to bed but to sleep sitting upright in a chair until the vertigo stopped. He had had vertigo himself and that is what he did every time. I tried it but couldnā€™t sleep sitting upright and gave up but it might be worth a try, Helen

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The nature of our symptoms vary from person to person, but essentially are the same. What you describe is more or less my experience. Anxiety can be the catalyst for our symptoms as well as the result and i donā€™t want to put words in your mouth, but you probably arenā€™t sure if your anxiety has caused your dizziness, is the result of your dizziness or both. It becomes a loop. I am anxious i am going to get vertigo, so i have great anxiety. I get vertigo now i am really anxious, because i cannot function. The medication you took can be changed. If you canā€™t relieve the anxiety on your own (mediatation, breathing exercises), because of your symptoms, you might try a different medication. No matter what you have to get your anxiety under control. The Chiropractor helps you which is good. Does he have a theory of what is causing your dizziness? If it is crystals in your ear, the Epley maneuver can be helpful. That is my take. Try another doctor if you want, i doubt they missed anything, but it cannot hurt. You are not alone, you have this forum. The people here really understand.


Epley I have done too many as I dont think its bppv. Never slept in a recliner nor could I I dont think. Just till it passes you mean?

Its not so much thr anxiety in my sleep its severe but in all my time suffering with this ive never met qnyone who gets false movement in there sleep or whilst eyes ate closed amd cannot be fully relaxed withoit these episodes. Eg its 7am herr i woke up at 6 i sleet through and boom i took a deep brrath and sizzy spell! My neck is sorr and this aside from the 3 scary attacks has been happening for 10 yrs. I went to my dr yest to get another referral shebrrfused as ive seen 7 drs all up.

If recliner stops the dizziness it could point to BPPV crystals moving around in sleep when you switch sides.

Its not bppv. Thats the thing 10 years of this sensation. I hate it i close my eyes dizziness close my eyes after waking or during vertigo and times like now i lay here with roaring tinnutus and feel drunk. I hate this, my neck is always tense but i just want this to stopā€¦

Whats meds have you tried so far pertaining to vestibular migraine ? neck being tense is a common symptom among migraineurs.

None im too afraid of feeling worse!

There you go thatā€™s your problem ! Start low and go slow. Amitriptyline is the first choice here on the site that has worked for many. Get over the fear of meds and get your life back ! It cannot be worse than where you are currently and can only get better


Ive read where ppl have reacted severe anxiety and panic. But i ask is it just a suppressant and why do ppl come off it??

I suggest you focus on your reaction to the meds as every person reacts differently.

So why do ppl come off meds? Infeelmworse to lay down or sit or close my eyesā€¦ i just dont know what to do anymore. Ppl say magnesium helps is this true?

I am still on Amitriptyline and Effexor for 2 years. When i come off them i can comment.

I think for me i dont underatamd the condition after 10 years. I feel it happen then god forbif i get a violent episode have only had 3 but dizzy in sleep on and off for 10 years. When i got those attacks forn2015 to 16 i was immoblie housebound. I think have i done all testing? Os there anything i should be doing avoiding. Can stress be doing this to me? I just dont know what to do or turn as i fear it will get worse.

There is one thing you can do which is to trial meds. You can keep taking all the tests on planet earth but it comes down to two treatments

  1. Preventative meds
  2. VRT

Other than the above 2 you can try lifestyle changes but the changes work better when used alongside meds. Good luck !