Helpful diets?

Has anyone tried any diets (apart from the HYH diet) that they think actually helped reduce symptoms? I’ve been on the migraine diet for a while now and I don’t think it has really changed anything for me. Has anyone tried keto diet or vegetarianism, etc. or also has anyone tried doing one diet at the same time as the HYH diet?

Check out the ketosis threads. Keto makes a difference for me when no other diet has.

Re keto - I haven’t been on it long, but after a rough transition into the diet, I’m having some nearly symptom-free days. I think it’s worth trying, but commit to sticking it out for at least a month. I nearly quit from the first 3 weeks of exhaustion, mood swings, increased dizzyness and nausea. It’s still way too early for me to judge the diet, but I’m feeling relief for the first time in months. I’ve had 3 good days - which I know is nothing conclusive, but still exceptional for me.

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