How do you cope with head motion sensitivity?

These things are an imperfect hack, and imho should be temporary, but in the short to medium term they can be really helpful in getting your life back and your anxiety under control.

If the symptoms are less bad than the side effects of treatment, then of course, just put up with the symptoms.

I agree, unfortunately the vertigo symptoms had meant me having poor sleep quality for a few nights, so adding restless leg syndrome which literally stops me getting to sleep. I’m hopeful that a good night sleep will help my body heal. Be well xx

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Just out of curiosity, what do you guys do to help the head motion sensitivity not bother you so much while sitting and lying down?

The whole ‘motion sensitivity’ thing whether it’s caused through motion (travel) sickness or self motion for example head turning that is the very essence of the condition. So common as to be virtually diagnostic in itself of VM.

Like all the other symptoms this head motion sensitivity is just one indication of the hypersensitive state of the vestibular system. That responds best initially to either a restrictive migraine diet complete with other associated lifestyle changes and/or preventatives. Best ask your own doctor if you can try Amitriptyline or something else they might recommend.

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