I Beat The Cause of My Vertigo

I have underlying conditions, so in going about a diagnosis, a reason as to WHY some days I opened my eyes and everything was spinning became OH NO NOT AGAIN!! I had control of my paramyotonia, lyme disease, fibro, candida, high BP and so on. But it was obvious that NONE of the meds for those conditions actually helped the vertigo. Once an attack of vertigo was initiated, I was looking at 4 straight days of reclining, going to the toilet, then not being able to return without throwing up. Sad state off and on with no respite. I tried the positional dropping to the side. Never worked.
In 1980 I had an ear operation, to cut the stapes which had grown fast to the cochlea. So Now I WEAR A WIRE (ha-ha) Could this be the cause? But diagnosis was not to be until it got real bad in 2020. It seemed that for 2 to 3 weeks out of a month was “vertigo time”. This was being ridiculous!! Cyclobenzaprine helped, BUT WHAT WAS CAUSING IT??
One day I laid down to sleep, was extremely tired and was sweating. When I woke up I was still sweating, the bed was almost wet, and as I opened one eye, THE VERTIGO WAS THERE!! But something else hit me! The paramyotonia I have, is an ion channel disease that can be diagnosed if you are using a frequency device such as a gas weed wacker. My arms would become paralized for a 1/2 day, and would only completely disappear after a full day… Could this ceiling fan be throwing a frequency that triggers off this vertigo?? Watching this up for 2 months, it did NOT happen again, AND I DID NOT USE THE CEILING FAN ANYMORE!! Will be continually watching. There could be other appliances waiting to create vertigo. Motocycle? Lawnmower?

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Congratulations. I hope your vertigo remains becalmed.

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