I don’t know how to cope anymore

I hope you got some sleep. It’s always worse when titrating up. Maybe you can ask your doctor for a short run of a benzo?


After I posted the swinging feeling only got worse, it started happening while having my eyes opened as well. Last time I looked at the clock was 4:45 and I think eventually fell asleep with 3 pillows because lowering my head made it worse. I just woke up and I’m just as dizzy & tinnitus is stronger …I can already tell today is going to suck

Sorry, love. It’s pretty much always worse before it gets better - especially with the anti-seizure, tri-cyclic, SNRI/SSRI psychotropic type meds.

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Yes, I think so. I had some of that going up on Ami as well.

Hope you get through the day and can sleep. I’ve had an awful time with insomnia and MAV, but its got much better now.

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Hi Diana, I was wondering how you were getting along. I’m sorry you are having a tough time :frowning: My mom recently increased her dose of amitrip and also having a hard time with worsening symptoms (inc dizzy, head pressure, fatigue) - I read Lucy’s post and she also endorsed worsening symptoms with her recent increase but is seeing some better days. I pray :pray::pray::pray: that may be the case for us all!

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@Bebop i pray so too …I’ve been in bed all day, need help to walk to the bathroom. I’m so scared, every time my symptoms increase I feel so hopeless and afraid. Today the inside of my head feels like it’s spinning, it lasts for a few seconds but I immediately get nauseous …seeing the worry look on my daughters face kills me :cry::cry::cry: they are too little and deserve a healthy mom but instead got me

They’ve got the mom they need. Don’t torture yourself emotionally.

I just took tonight’s dose. I cried while doing it but I did it …I feel like such a baby complaining about this but I’m seriously so scared of a night like last night :confounded:

It can’t kill you. It can just make you miserable. It doesn’t change who you essentially are. It’s just something to be endured. You will outlast it.