I just received Botox Injections & Started Venlafaxine

Thank you, sounds great!

Howdy everyone,

I’m 5 weeks into the Botox and Effexor combo and due back at the Neurologist’s office on Tuesday morning, so I thought I would provide an update on how I’m travelling.

The Bad:

  • I’ve had a lot of odd side effects from the 75mg of Effexor (though virtually all of them have slowly faded away now that I’ve been at this dosage for a few weeks.)
  • I’m still having rocking and bobbing sensations for about 85% of the day, and daily migraine headaches

The Good

  • My headaches have improved quite a lot - rather than my whole head feeling like it’s going to explode, I now seem to be experiencing pressure mainly in my ears only, which is a big improvement for me.
  • My tinnitus is about 95% better
  • I’m taking about 1/2 of the amount of abortive medications as I was taking prior to starting this drug combination
  • Abortive medications seem to be more effective during migraines when I do take them
  • I’m able to engage with people and activities a small amount more than I used to before it triggers a migraine.

The Verdict:

  • I’m far from 100% better, I’m probably probably about 20% better, but this is definitely the strongest response I’ve had to any medications thus far.
  • I’m very keen to increase up to 150mg and am hoping for even more improvement.

This small improvement has given me enough confidence to get back into studying - I actually started an online degree in Finance today. This would not have been possible even weeks ago, but I feel confident I’ll be able to study part-time for now.

Hope everyone else is well,
Best wishes


Im on exactly the same treatment plan as yourself…i was in a very bad way and im about 80% now. Mind you my Botox appointments arnt been given on time, i should be having them this friday 28th june but my appointment is 30th july!!! Shocking!! Glad you are seeing improvement…keep it up


That’s fantastic and really encouraging to hear!

Oh that’s very frustrating! Hears hoping you can get a cancellation appointment sooner :slight_smile:

Thanks Jo,

That’s great progress, delighted for you. Even 20% should be celebrated, every % matters. I’m now on the 150mg and almost two weeks, I’m finding the side effects are still around, primarily early morning headaches and nausea but 2 weeks in, like you I find the intensity less severe each day so I’m holding here at the 150mg, I’m feeling pretty steady on this dose. Best of luck with next few weeks I think your plan to move up to 150mg very positive and big well done for returning to study :star2:

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Thanks so much @nin!

Glad you’re holding steady at the mo, make sure you keep us updated - I’m sure the others in the Venlafaxine crew will be watching with great interest :slight_smile:

Best wishes,

Hi D
This is great news I am delighted for you…fingers crossed that as you increase the dose your symptoms will keep easing. I am at 112.5mg Effexor now and have made good improvement - are you on the extended release version? Side effects are way less in intensity and duration with the extended release version - I previously tried the immediate release version and found that I couldn’t tolerate it.

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Hiya, thanks so much for your kind message. Glad to hear you’re getting good improvement!

Yup I’m on the extended release and will be increasing to 112.5mg tomorrow.
Keep us posted on how you go!

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I’m having the same exact thing happening to me again …I noticed early that my back and side were burning/hurting. I’ve been touching and pinching to try to localize the pain and it’s definitely my skin/meat and anything inside …and I don’t know if it’s the touching (I’m super pale skinned) but now I notice a red patch around the area …not hives or with any texture just patchy.

I hope this is not a bad reaction to it. I have really high hopes for this med and coincidence or not yesterday and today I’m feeling a little better

Hi there, my husband injects humira for ulcerative colitis and early in, he experienced the same localised reaction as you. His consultant here in irl told him to take an antihistamine before injection, so maybe ring your consultant and see if its worth trying. He’s years now injecting and no longer has the swelling redness, itching. His body well use to it now :wink: