I panic when i read Hains flow chart

I didn’t do any inner ear pressure tests (e.g. Ecog) mainly because my initial workup was based on my original MAV diagnosis. By the time I got to my current doctor, he decided my history was enough to diagnose Secondary Hydrops (I pointed a shower into my ear, so there was clear trauma). In addition after the trauma there was clearly a fluid sensation that started the following morning which I never had before. This was also indicative of injury, so helped to determine a different diagnosis. My original consultant dismissed this as an ‘aberration’ though. It’s amazing how differently doctors will view your case.

I had suspected hearing loss which did help to determine Hydrops. (suspected because I had no prior audiogram to compare it to). However I did lose 10dB of HF hearing during the development of my MAV, so something is going on in there!

I have mild pain in my bad ear occasionally, but I used to get pain in both. I believe there is some ‘central’ element of pressure regulation for your ears and if one gets injured it can impact this regulation for both.