Newbie here

Hi Everyone, I am so happy to have found this forum! A bit of a back story: after years of dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, really crap balance and brain fog, I was diagnosed with Vestibular Migraines this January. The medication hasnā€™t been too bad (Epilim 900mg), plus being the anxiety prone person I am, I already take Escitalopram, 20mg.
Iā€™ve learnt to not spend too much time in noisy places like shopping centres and bowling alleys as my ears start buzzing and my brain seems to check out for a while. Managing stress has been the most difficult thing for me :disappointed:
Anyways, I wonā€™t prattle on any longer - for anyone who is interest in location, Iā€™m in Australia :australia:


Welcome @dr.paj! So sorry you have this crap illness, but you found your people here. Sounds like yu have a pretty good handle on MAV, is it controlled pretty well?

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Welcome to our dizzy family!


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Thank you!

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So far so goodā€¦ It usually is ok apart from the sensory overload and ā€˜rubber floorā€™ feeling. The newest sensation is when Iā€™ve got a cold (currently) - the dizziness seems exacerbated. Blerg.
Thanks for replying!


Hi @dr.paj!

Sorry you have to be hereā€¦ :woozy_face:

But as you are, welcome! You, like me will find this site and the lovely people that frequent it a real silver lining! :slightly_smiling_face:
There is so much support and adviceā€¦

You can also use the search facility if you want to look for a specific article :+1:t3:

Good luck with your MAV! :crossed_fingers:


Thank you!

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Welcome @dr.paj glad you have found us - this forum is a life saver!

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