So I'll have vm forever?

There may be no identified single cure that solves everyone’s condition, but some people recover. Some spontaneously: I am no longer on meds and no longer have vertigo nor dizziness. My hearing has improved. Very occasionally I get a slight relapse, but it’s minimal compared to the way I once was.

I know an amateur boxer who has recovered fully too and a woman who got these symptoms from diving into water - she has recovered.

Another lady who turned out to have a cholesteatoma that was driving her MAV also recovered.

Other board members who’ve recovered include liv85, beatles909, suki530 (spontaneously)

There are probably plenty more who are more quiet and leave the site and never return once they start to feel better (obviously that is a bit annoying, they should come here and shout about it!)

It comes down to what is driving your MAV I suspect. If it’s one-off trauma you are likely to recover. If you can identify the driver and resolve it you will likely recover. If it is something idiopathic then you may be forced to learn to live with it using all means at your disposal (including the massive knowledge on this site). But you may be pleasantly surprised: you might not have identified the cause, but you may recover in any case.

Whatever the case, it’s clear recovery takes many years. It’s probably unlike most health conditions most people ever come across in earlier life.