So what do you do when you have headache?

Hi Timeless,
Sorry you are still suffering. I hope you are feeling a bit better with the medication. I was wondering what happens to you when you take acetaminophen?

— Begin quote from “MAVNY”

Hi Timeless,
Sorry you are still suffering. I hope you are feeling a bit better with the medication. I was wondering what happens to you when you take acetaminophen?

— End quote

I am feeling a little better but may take the other half of the tablet shortly . When I take acetaminophen my lips swell up.

I have had problems with headaches all of my life. I can remember as far back as being a toddler asking for baby aspirin for a headache and being told it wasn’t candy and that I couldn’t have any. On a pain level scale of 0 to 10, most of mine are on the 3 to 5 level. It’s amazing that I am a baby when it comes to pain, but my average headache I learned to ignore when I was still in elementary school. I am so good at ignoring them that I didn’t realize how often I was having them until I recently started a journal and I have discovered that I have headaches about 4 or 5 times a week.When my headaches do flare up past my abbility to ignore, I can’t tolerate much without the pain getting much worse. I can’t even where my glasses.

For the most part, about all that works for me when they get that bad, about the only thing that works is hiding. A nice dark, quiet room with something comfortable to lie on and massage my temples, and/or get my wife to rub the back of my neck and shoulders.

For headaches less severe, the ones that I am almost able to ignore, but strong enough to start affecting my temper, I eat a meal and take two aleve and try to avoid noisy, bright places.

I am very sorry your head still hurts. I have only had multi-day headaches 3 times- the worst for 12 days. Have you tried ice? Wrapping my head in ice packs and laying down really helps. Or sitting under a hot shower (I can’t stand very well). I take Migranol for bad headaches, but you need a presciption for that. It seems to help.

I feel for you and hope it stops soon.
