Standing still the worst?

Hello All,

Is standing still the worst for you? this is by far when i feel the sensations of movement, which varies depending on the visual stimuli in the area. e.g. much worse on a busy train station platform.

Also does anyone actually fall? i have never fallen but the fear still seems to really affect me as the sensations can be soo strong! although i dont physically sway


I used to have 24/7 fear of falling over. I would take my iphone out to the plaza and stand there trying not to fall, timing myself how long I could go without shifting or moving. I felt constant shifting and swaying. It wasn’t till I got on an anti-depressant that it went away. Now I get sudden feelings of motion but not a constant feeling that I will fall over, that was the worst.

Standing still (trying to) has been an ongoing problem for the two years since my mav began. Putting my head downwards makes it worse and feel that I’m going to fall over. However, the only times I’ve actually fallen is when my vision of the ‘horizon’ stops, eg. walking into a dark room, opening fridge/pantry/wardrobe door. Feels as though I’ve been pushed forward between the shoulder blades.
The ‘shifting/swaying’ has improved since being on Dothep & Periactin but ‘triggers’ (mine are motion, bright/fluro lights & noise) set it all off again.

— Begin quote from “longshort”

I used to have 24/7 fear of falling over. I would take my iphone out to the plaza and stand there trying not to fall, timing myself how long I could go without shifting or moving. I felt constant shifting and swaying. It wasn’t till I got on an anti-depressant that it went away. Now I get sudden feelings of motion but not a constant feeling that I will fall over, that was the worst.

— End quote


thats very interesting. I remember reading one of your posts, weren’t you diagnosed with Chronic Subjective Dizziness? which Anti-Depressant did they prescribe?


I posted this originally a while back but would be interested to know if anyone else has this as their major symptom

It’s so weird this MAV isn’t it. I feel really horrible standing still in a queue for instance. Also sitting or standing and talking to people is very hard and I notice the imbalance and swaying feeling a lot more. It is sometimes better if I can stand up and move around while I talk to someone. It might be the same theory that applies to being in a moving vehicle where the movement drowns out or overrides the dizziness.

I have never fallen but kind of feel like I might sometimes. In the really bad phases where I have been bed bound then I have to keep as still as possible because I am so dizzy then that even turning my head on my pillow or talking on the phone is very uncomfortable and I would hold on to things round the house for balance x

I don’t find standing still too bad now, I’m at my worst when I walk/move. I am defo off/dizzy when standing still tho. At the start of all this I had a really tough time focusing on people’s faces but that seems to have eased or I have got used to it.