Starting topamax

Here we go… About to start topamax… booked 5 days off work for this junk. Any advice? I’m hoping it gets rid of the rolling sensation in my head.

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Well done. And so sensible to take time out too. I’ve no exp of topamax. Would imagine you’ve been given instructions on how to take it. I can refer you to the Patient Info Sheet on the which may give you extra info. This was the site the neuro-otologist who diagnosed me referred me to for further advice on preventatives. It also gives a bit general advice on stiff necks, psychology of migraine etc. The best other place to look might be Dr Hain’s website. Haven’t checked but would imagine there’s detailed info there. It’s very a comprehensive site.

You obviously saw the neuro? Did you get MAV diagnosis? All the very best with this next trial. Do hope it works out for you.

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Hi, Thanks for your message :slight_smile:
Yeah I saw the new neuro. He was great. Yes, he said it is pretty clear that it is MAV.
He was honest and gave me a few options in terms of preventatives. I choose topamax, as it doesn’t give you weight gain like the antihistamine ones he offered. He said see how I go, there is no time frame to stick it out. I can email him at any stage for help or to change. Lol.

so it’s a trial and let’s see lol. I am quite anxious as read some horrific stories but must try for my self.

Sounds good guy. Nice he’s offered you the contact life line you need that and it’s not offered much. You’ll feel so alone otherwise.

You’re brave. It’s pretty heavy stuff. I’d opt for weight gain everytime, and did, and have!

Interesting he offered antihistamines you say as alternatives? Which ones? Plp will find that of interest I’m sure.