That Fuzzy Feeling after a vertigo attack

Hey all -
I have a simple question to ask.

since I also have “BPPV”, maybe that also contributes to this feeling, but I want to know if any of you get the same thing after the vertigo attack.

Here is my question:

How many of you, especially after a vertigo(spinning) attack of any degree get a “fuzzy” feeling after the initial attack? It’s almost like a brain fog type feeling and it will last for a couple of hours after. Mine usually will happen before I wake up(usually how all of my vertigo attacks start is usually during my sleep). Just need some insight from others out there (:

Brain fog is one of the most fearsome symptoms to many of us. For me, if I can get past it to work out (in my case, swim) a good bit, it often clears. But sometimes that hasn’t been a viable option. It’s one of the biggest reasons I am religious about sticking with the fucking restrictive diet and drugs.

Brain fog is a nightmare and I can always tell if I’ve done too much as it descends and I know I’m in trouble - I also liken it to a really bad hangover but with none of the fun first!! :frowning:

I can handle a really dizzy day, but it’s the brain fog that kills me! How do you get rid of the brain fog itself?

I still really dont get what brain fog is. Really. I’ve asked before and people have explained it but I still dont get it. I can only assume I’m not having it? My brain just feels super sensitive and irritated :frowning:

If you have ever been so tired that adding 2 and 2 together hurts, then you have an idea of what brain fog is. It is hard to describe, but, for me at least, it is part inability to concentrate, part fuzzy head , like you are buzzed from a beer or two, part dull headache, and part overtired brain.
Mine seems to be worse after a day of coding and staring at a computer screen, especially if I’m low on sleep.

— Begin quote from “Muppo”

I still really dont get what brain fog is. Really. I’ve asked before and people have explained it but I still dont get it. I can only assume I’m not having it? My brain just feels super sensitive and irritated :frowning:

— End quote


For me brain fog is where plain and simply put, your brain feels like it is in a fog, in the clouds, your head is full of cotton… etc. It’s just hard to think when your brain gets all fuzzy. The way I like to describe how my thinking functions when I’m in a good case of brain fog is:

“1 + 1 = … oh, I know this one… 1 + 1 = … it’s on the tip of my tongue… 2!.. Now, why was I adding 1 + 1?”

How to get rid of it? That’s a no-brainer. (No brain=>no brain fog.)
Seriously, though, for those who indulge in alcohol or other recreationals, do they increase the brain fog, decrease it, or maybe leave it in place but take the worry out of it?