I joined the Mal de debarquement forum over a year ago but never felt like i fitted in so i left. Whenever i would share with them that there was this Motion inside my head… they would say that is not a symptom of theirs. But what they would say is that they feel the world around them rocking is rocking. I feel motion inside me and they feel the world rocking.
I really became quite excited to read this (am planning to Get a Life very soon now).
It is a phrase used of me and I haven’t seen anybody else use it in print as far as I can remember. Yes indeed those ‘Silent Migraine’. I am sure I have them to blame for my 12 years without a diagnosis and therefore neither management nor treatment. If I had only had a couple of migraines back then might just have given one of the maybe six different GPs I saw over those years to jerk their one remaining brain cell into action and catch my MAV before it became chronic and so very intractable
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