Trampoline Walking sensation

it’s a bad bad enemy. I’m happy that you returned to functioning and I hope you find the missing 10% one day. What meds did help you?

I tried most of the meds (verapamil, topamax, propanallol, etc.) but they didn’t work or caused more problems (GI issues.)

The ones that seem to be most effective for people from reading this board are effexor and amitriptyline/nortriptyline. Also the supplements have really helped me. I’m currently on Amitriptyline 25mg and Riboflavin 400mg and Magnesium 100mg. There is also a supplement mix called Migralief which has a bunch of supplements together in one pill.

Daily exercise is key - i do a lot of walking and run an Airbnb so am constantly moving my body. When i have a relapse i walk a ton or do housework to make things calm the system down. Sometimes i take a little benzo “chip” - a small.amount of ativan or valium or klonopin to curb the symptoms (benzos only treat symptoms but do nothing for the disease plus are super addictive.)

TV watching makes me worse. And typing on the computer. Also avoiding chocolate and.MSG, but every brain is different. You’ll have a different set of triggers. The myriad possible trigggers aren’t linked to the myriad possible “cures.” It’s a lot of trial and error.and a lot of self-research. And patience.

I think there is a place on this site for books to read and protocols to try. It’s step by step. Also, i got a lot of help from vestibular therapy but for some it makes things worse.

Good luck and hang in there. It WILL get better.

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