UK (London) Migraine Event - 30th October

Dear All

Just wanted to bring the attention of the UK members of this board to an upcoming “Migraine Action” event in London on Saturday 30th October.

Dr Rosalyn Davies, Audiovestibular consultant from the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery is one of the confirmed speakers, and one of the afternoon workshops is on Dizziness and Vertigo. See … ion=london for more info.

No idea what kind of level this event will be targeted at but it’s only £10 including lunch/refreshments (interesting to see if they only serve decaff tea/coffee lol) so probably worth a visit if you’re localish.


Thanks for the heads up Dizziblonde. For those of us not in the UK and if you’re able perhaps you could give us a summary of any breakthrough developments (fingers crossed, hoping, hoping).

I like the title “Migraine Action”. What do we want? Migraine! When do we want it? Um, never actually…

Christ, I’d bring a banner to that march!!

And yes of course, if anything of interest crops up then i promise to report back.

Dizzi – I’m sooo jealous I can’t go to that. If you have an iphone it would be great if you could record her talk! Otherwise we’d all really appreciate a summary. Thanks for all your efforts.

Have you seen Dr Silver yet?

Best … Scott

have removed now you’ve read it, don’t like having specific doc advice up on open forums for long - paranoid, me???_

Boy oh boy, would I love to be at that event!!
I just wanted to point out that 3 of the 4 speakers are discussing “vertigo and dizziness” as part of migraine.
Do you think our prayers are being heard? And that someday there may be something that is really going to fix this b.s.? Not a drug that was intended for something else
altogether, and that suffers a ton of side effects…wouldn’t that be divine?
Big sigh…
One can dream…Kelley

Dizzi – that would be excellent if you could record this stuff. Even if the levels are crap I can pump them up with software at my end.

Kelley – given Silver’s thumbs up for Gabapentin (aka Neurontin) do you think I should consider? How come you have never mentioned this to me? :lol:

Gabapentin is pretty XXy if I remember - my mum takes it…

Curious to hear if anyone goes to this/gets info from this and can give it to Scott to post here. Thanks.


I went to this event with a friend who is also a migraine sufferer. Overall it was very interesting although the main talk on vertigo talked more about the different causes such as labrynthitis, BPPV, menieres and MAV. There was a good talk on the types of new medicines they are currently researching and the different methods of taking them such as nose sprays, inhalers, patches etc. I didn’t go into the vertigo workshop as I wanted to hear more about the detox although this turned out to be mostly detox from pain relief tablets like the triptans which I don’t use. If anyone was in the vertigo workshop, I’d be interested to hear what i missed.

I’ve asked for a copy of the slides and if I get them, I’ll see if they can be posted here.


Jennifer – appreciate the update. That would be great if you can get the slides.

I would have liked to attend that workshop.

S :slight_smile:

Hi, yep, Rosalyn Davies did a nice talk on all the causes of Vertigo - including migraine. Interestingly she said that migraine now accounts for 50% of the patients that get referred to their dizziness clinic. I’ve also asked for the slides so I’m sure between us we should be able to get them posted on here. I did also record the talk on my phone but as it was an hour long I’m struggling to open it. Will have a crack at transferring it to my computer and if it’s at all audible I’ll send it on to you scott and see if you can get it posted on here.

The rest of the day was a bit more relevant to “typical” migraneurs, and to be honest, the vertigo workshop was a big disappointment. I was hoping for some useful info and dicsussion but it ended up being a talk about “what to expect at a dizzy clinic”, what tests you can expect and how they might make you feel - yeah, like I need reminding!!!, with a bit of a group vestibular rehab session, what fun!!! (needless to say I stayed rooted to my chair and avoided looking at anything that was going to make me feel worse).

The other interesting comment of the day from my point of view was from Dr Andrew Dowson from Kings College Headache service (London). He was talking about how he observed what he described as a “hyperexcitable brainstem” in many of his migraine patients, where they had continuous hypersensitivity to light/motion/sound or ongoing visual disturbances/vertigo/nausea etc. He seemed to think that drugs used for neuropathic pain (gabapentin/pregabalin) were most effective in combating this spectrum of continuous symptoms. I would have loved to have the chance to talk properly to him about this but really just managed to grab him to quickly ask about medication as he was leaving. Don’t suppose anyone on the board is being seen at his clinic are they?