Walking like on a waterbed, trampoline?

dizzyinaz - it is so difficult to explain how I feel when I walk. I can first say that it is present 24/7 for 2 years whenever I walk. The subject says it best - I feel like I’m walking on a trampoline or a suspension bridge. I have the sensation that the floor is shifting and not steady. Sometimes I even feel the floor lifting. I do feel pulled in one direction at times. I am so off even when sitting - feels like someone took my head and tossed it around.

dizzynaz, perhaps you could trial the medication amitriptyline or nortriptyline (metabolite). You see these meds are both commonly given for both mav and mdds, and so it wouldnt matter which you “had”. Since treatment options are quite similar, altough the drugs-of-choice wary some (klonopin + amitriptyline for mdds; topamax or effexor etc. for mav), a med that may work for one may work for the other as well.

Or some that are diagnosed with mdds really have mav, and vice versa. Hard to know :slight_smile:

Brian, what dose of klonopin are you on? I wonder since I dont know what an effective dose is for klonopin as a migraine-preventative/abortive

— Begin quote from “MikaelHS”

Brian, what dose of klonopin are you on? I wonder since I dont know what an effective dose is for klonopin as a migraine-preventative/abortive

— End quote

I take 1mg at bedtime primarily for bruxing. I don’t know how much it has helped with my headaches, but I do know that I don’t grind my teeth at night as much with the klonopin. I am aware of a couple of people that take it as their only medication for prevention. Because of its nature, I don’t think that it would work as an abortive.


Thanks everyone for your support and advice! Thanks Mikael, I’ll ask my doctor about that medication. That’s great to hear how great you are doing Colleen! I hope I get there someday!