

Hey Everyone! I have been lurking this site for months but figured it was my time to join and contribute as I have seen so much hope. I had mild migrains in college that a Tylenol would cure. I had 2 babies back to back breastfeeding in between. After having my 2nd baby 3 months post baby I woke up with the spins! Just had gotten the mirena iud. 2018 I felt off but wasn’t “dizzy” I went a entire year into 2019 and the month I stopped BF I had recurrent episodes of vertigo I felt like every time I looked around with my neck I got so dizzy! April may June July each time while waking up in bed- vertigo bad vertigo took a meclizine and went back to bed. Went to the ENT who ruled out inner ear. Was referred to a neuro doctor who did a MRI and said migraines. I wasn’t experiencing every day dizziness nor did I believe my “migraine diagnosis” I was convinced it was my ears!!! But decided to kick red wine and Chinese food to the curb and my waking with rotational vertigo went from every month too every 2 months! Still wasn’t convinced saw 2 more ENTS-central findings. I had a vertigo episode in October 2020 and went all the way till January 17th of 2021 without a vertigo episode that left me in bed. On January 16th(the day before my last episode) I got my first covid vaccine and decided to reward myself with Chinese food for the first time in 6 mos(lol bc it was inner ear duh!) wham bam the spins my head was off my pillow and when I sat up I was on a tilt a whirl. ENT said it was vestibular migraine but he wasn’t sure how to treat very well. Diltizam 120mg was started. I titrated up to 180mg. Constitution that’s about it. On February 1st 2021 I got on the heal your headache diet following dizzy cooks recipes. Slowly tapered off of coffee which was stoped 3/1/2021officially. I have not woken up with the spinning vertigo for almost 3 months! But I still feel like I’m on a offshore fishing boat almost all of the time! I went to a super great neurologist on 3/20/21 who wanted my to do a steroid taper, B2, mag and return in 3 weeks. I don’t feel like the diltizam has helped me at all and I lol that I was even prescribed it. My neuro was also confused as to why that other than that it is a CCB. I’m beyond frustrated with feeling off balance as it’s been almost a year but since January it is NON STOP I hate laying flat too. I have a follow up may 1st and will update everyone I’m not sure which drug they will choose but praying for amtriptline or Effexor. I am doing the diet and supplements hardcore. I find th weather and hormones to be big dizzy triggers. I have a 2 year old and 3 year old and they are my biggest reasons for pushing threw although it is all the more exhausting. I’m also pretty sure the steroid pack has not helped! Thank you everyone for all of the support and taking time to post I see all the hope in the world and I pray that I will be able to write a success story someday.