Is it OK to take 5-HTP with nortryptyline or amitriptyline? I found one site that said there was a possible interaction, but other places only suggested a problem when combining 5-HTP with SSRI’s. Anyone have success with 5_HTP, B6, etc.? I would prefer to try some things that are well tolerated with few to no side-effects… but maybe it’s wishful thinking on my part. :?
I take 100mg of 5htp at night. Started at 25 and moved up to 50 then 100mg. Never a problem. Basically the meds make you increase serotonin by preventing the reuptake. But if you aren’t making enough serotonin, you don’t have enough to make a difference. 5htp is like a building block to help…Vit b6 paramount to helping synthesize it…it all works together…you shouldn’t have a problem.
Thanks, Kelly. Has it (100mg of 5-HTP) made a difference for you? How much B6 do you take?
I’ve been taking a B-complex supplement that includes 75 mg of B6 and 1mg of Folic acid… enough, or should it be more?
hi im 3 yrs into this mav. im currently trialling 5htp 200mg and high dose vit b2 300mg i need to add in magnesum. im only into week 2, ive noticed more energy as i feel like i have chronic fatigue. today i have a massive headache, but last 2 weeks havent been to bad in way of headaches. no side effects but as yet, i think its to early to tell if its actually doing anything, but ill update if i have any results.( im doing this off my own bat without drs consult.)
It hasn’t made a huge difference for me…maybe sleeping better and better more stable mood. I also take magnesium daily. I’m not sure, but I think 200mg of B2 was recommended by my neuro. I’d have to do some research to get the recommend for b6.
Did you jump in at 200mg 5htp, or titrate?
5HTP gave me a nice jolt but the down side was tons of headaches. And if I took slightly too much, it would really jack me up and screwed up my sleep. In the end it did nothing for MAV but kept me reasonably level-headed. Coming off 5HTP was just as bad as an SSRI. SSRIs are easier to take in my opinion and with less side effects.
hi kelley i just jumped straight into 5 htp 200mg, i havent noticed anything, but since this mav happened i sleep like a log, i havent had aniexty with mav maybe b/cause im concentrating on balance so much? im not holding out much hope, but have heard of some people getting headache relief with this so im trying it. Im reluctant on meds b/cause i always have side effects, i tried a ssri a few yrs ago lasted a day!throwing up all day and couldnt hold my head up it kept going backwards! inderal 20mg was ok for 3 weeks then spinning came back 10 fold…i think i have a highly resistant kind of headache no otc ever work, i just cant believe this can go on for so long, its driving me nuts!!oddly enough i also have blood shot eyes since just before mav and now ive had a blocked nose for 1 yr, (not allergies) ive almost given up!
— Begin quote from “scott”
5HTP gave me a nice jolt but the down side was tons of headaches. And if I took slightly too much, it would really jack me up and screwed up my sleep. In the end it did nothing for MAV but kept me reasonably level-headed. Coming off 5HTP was just as bad as an SSRI. SSRIs are easier to take in my opinion and with less side effects.
— End quote
I’m having different reactions to some of the drugs that I’ve been taking than what is considered “normal”… the stuff that usually puts everyone to sleep, has me wound-up and not sleeping. I’m hoping that the 5HTP will help with that. Being post menopausal changes body chemistry and apparently causes unpredictable reactions :?
Just a bit of an update as it’s only been a few days since I started some 5-HTP (100 mg. at night). The first couple of nights I took it at bed time and found I wasn’t falling asleep until an hour+ had passed and then I was inclined to sleep beyond when I normally got up in the morning. But I was sleeping! The past couple of nights, I’ve taken the pill early evening and have been nodding off immediately when hitting the bed. So far, the 5-HTP hasn’t caused any side effects and I am not quite as dizzy in the mornings - probably because I’ve slept better than I have been.
Great news Cat. For some lucky people it helps them sleep like a log and that will definitely make a positive impact for you. I remember too when I used it I would be dead tired by about 2 pm at work. I needed toothpicks to hold my eye lids open.