Adam - Doctor's number

Hi Adam

I have in my hot little hand a refferal for Dr Hamaylgi but I don’t have a contact number to set up the appointment. Would you have a number for him?



Hi Tempe

I can’t find the number at the moment - you may want to just call RPAH and ask to speak to the neurotology clinic to make an appointment.


Thanks Adam I found it and have faxed my referal. Waiting to hear from them and hope it’s not to long a wait.


Hopefully not! I think it was under 2 months for me and I was very impressed with that.

Up here in Darwin its a 3 month+ wait to see the only neurologist here.

Hi dizzyloopy

How did you go with your appointment?? Keep chasing them up. I faxed mine through in September, but i had to chase them up for 3 weeks. They are having trouble with bookings as some people are away, and Professor Halmagyi is fully booked until next year.

I got in for tests on Dec 1, and have the consultation Dec 8. Abit of a pain as i live in Canberra, but they couldn’t get the testing and consult on the same day.

Good luck with it all.

