Hi All
I don’t come on here much as I’m doing quite well but this new drug (which is still being trialled) was mentioned on the front page of the Times newspaper today (UK). I found this link:
thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2014/04/2 … w-promise/
Sorry if I’m repeating something you already know and sorry if the link doesn’t work - I’m not that computer savvy!
Hi Sian,
There seems to be a four trials going on now related to compound called calcitonin gene–related peptide or CGRP. There seems to be 4 different companies trialing these now in Phase 3 with a decent amount of success. And the good news is, they mostly injects that occur either monthly or every three months. I have not read anything on efficacy with VM/MAV, but I am definitely hopefully since these seem “close” to approval in the U.S.
I wouldn’t get your hopes up, because I don’t believe MAV is caused by Migraine. It’s just a name, and because it features migraine as a easily observed symptom. It is believed that migraines are natural responses to sensory stress and if you don’t fix the issue at the root cause, you won’t permanently stop the condition and you won’t resolve all the symptoms. The root cause is in the senses, most likely the ear: which is pretty obvious for most as so many complain of ear symptoms.
Perhaps it will help us manage symptoms and add to the already plentiful supply of options, but I doubt it will bring anything drastically new to the table if its not addressing the root cause(s).
The current drugs seem ok for MAV - I found Amitriptyline pretty helpful personally, and many on the board have found success with various others.