Amitriptyline: did it help you with photophobia/light sensitivity ?

No problem Helen, I’ve read the same information ! I believe some experience visual snow without photophobia and some experience it with photophobia. If I had it without photophobia to natural light that’d be good for me (well maybe I’d still find a reason to complain :wink: )
It does shimmer sometimes but my vision really vibrates, or flickers quickly when I’m outside and there’s loads of light.

Peter Goadsby is the name to look at for.

Thanks a lot !!



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Similar to what is described in this post that I found:

This is what I get. Vibrates is a better word than shimmer. It’s like the slightest shake. More so when I looking at a blank wall or something.


Crazy to hear several people have this !! Have the meds touch this symptom whatsoever ? My guess is the intensity will lower with time as we get better ! :heart::heart:

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That’s what I’m hoping for. Vision problems have been a main stayer for me so far. Time will tell. I have hope. It will be an old problem for us @Maina soon enough

Oscillopsia. That’s what you are describing. I’ve had ‘walls that breathe’ but always only :crossed_fingers:indoors, so far. I had all the very worst photophobia but :crossed_fingers:no visual snow, so far. I will check my very old handwritten notes but I think that’s correct about the breathing. Remember twinkling lights - reflections off Copper Beach leaves moving in a slight breeze and going into little stars and colours in a raindrop on a pane of glass against light doing similar and the accompaniment of my stomach turning over. Oscillopsia is common generally with vestibular conditions and easily diagnosed by the HIT impulse test. Did you have that? Doc takes your head in both hands and quickly tries to rattle your brain quite violently and watches your eye movements. Familiar?

Oh yes. And didn’t pass that test! Eyes still would not pass with flying colours now too I’m sure. Interesting descriptions Helen. Sounds like a beautiful poem.

Well I passed 100% every time. Not that it did me any good really I suppose. Obviously these tests are only a snapshot in time otherwise I wouldn’t ever had experienced the symptoms. Must change on a daily basis I guess. All dependent on tolerance levels and the preventatives are supposed to increase those. That and habituation. These days I have to be pretty symptomatic to suffer any visual stuff at all.

Hello! Just been reading these comments, i have this same symptoms myself the vibrating vision when outside annd staring the wall or down at grass etc, and photofobia only seem to get sometimes watching tv.

Did these symptoms especially the vision go back to normal with the meds? When I’m moving it’s fine but when I’m still it jumps, I’m on Amitriptyline just on a week myself at 10mgs.


Hello! Did your visual or vibrating symptoms go away? I currently have this. I’m on ami 10kgs only just been a week. The visual disturbances really get me down.

Needing some advice or anything you did that help improve this?

Yes the vibrating went away, but I’m left with jumpy vision (like strobe lights) while watching panning shots on screens. I think this is caused by a lesion on the brain but I’m not a doctor.

Your symptoms should pass with time when your brain settles

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Thanks for your reply. I’ve been reading your comments and experiences and it’s been educational Thankyou. I do have the jumpy vision really at a stand still when I’m moving or driving it does not affect me to my knowledge. Do you mean photofobia when you watch tv and see a image for a second seem to having that also.

No, it’s called akinetopsia. It started immediately after the Epley from bppv. It’s when all of this started. Over 3 years now. It’s definitely a central processing problem. It’s like I had a massive short circuit.

Look it up. It worse on screens but I’m noticing trailing images in real life now too.

Probably different as no one on here has this from what I’m aware

I imagine Valproate would help with this

Thanks for your reply. Yeah okay I’ll definitely look it up and see. So you see it as a delayed image you mean? Like when watching tv etc.

Must be hard, are you still functioning in normal every day life. I hope it works out for you.

I myself have the jumpy vision at a stand still and aura dots and the trailing imaging only with tv screens never on my phone tho.

All I’m trying to do is keep positive, fix my diet, fix my posture and try yoga again and giving myself the type to vitamins I need. I might arrange to see a naturopath to see what my body is lacking.

Keep it up with the amitriptyline (it might take a while to work and titrate to the right dosage). I’d advise patience – its unlikely that a naturopath is going to give you anything you can’t already get on your own. save your $$$