Amitriptyline side effects?

Side effects. Pah!

It’s a little bunny of a drug taken at much much lower doses than when it was prescribed for depression. (That said it’s not for everyone)

Worst thing is the drowsiness. Take it at night though and it can help you sleep.

Dry mouth should go away after a few months.

Slight constipation was the only side effect I found that lingered. Oh. And you might get some weight gain. Keep active and eat healthy!!

Note it doesn’t cure dizziness it’s just reducing the sensation. Only your brain can fix that by compensation. (Along with the underlying condition resolving)

Amitriptyline a Dr. Hain favourite after propranolol.

(UPDATE: 2020, I believe Venlafaxine is now Dr. Hain’s go to dizziness drug)