Anyone here have an Acoustic Neuroma AND VM/MAV/SEH


Brand new here. I’ve been blessed all my life with good health but was diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma measuring 14x18x13mm in August of 2017. It is located in my left CP angle. I’ve met with a local surgeon in Ohio as well as top surgeons in Boston and Los Angeles. My hearing is only affected at high frequencies. Had 3 MRI’s so far and the great news is that the acoustic neuroma/benign brain tumor has not grown so I continue to be on the “wait & watch” program.

The bad news is that my vertigo & dizziness episodes are happening more and more frequently. My doctors don’t have great reasons why the vertigo is increasing other than it’s just a symptom of acoustic neuromas. After reading several posts here I cannot help but notice my symptoms are similar to many here. Especially those that have discussed the dizziness/vertigo happening when they lift weights or exercise hard…most times mine happen when I do that, but not always.

I just don’t want to get surgery to remove my acoustic neuroma only to learn I also had/have something like on this forum and I still have the problem. Brain surgery is no small one & I also have a 50% chance of losing all the hearing in my left ear if I go that route.

Thanks much!

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