Appointment with new Neurologist

Have a appointment with new Neuro in November. Does anyone have any tips as to what I can do to help him help me? Been on Amitriptylin for approx 4 weeks now with some improvements, however, still battling imbalance thing.

Hi Skip,

I am in a similar situation i have been on Amitriptyline for just over 4 weeks and a have been referred to a neruologist am just waiting for an appointment, so i want to know the same thing if anyone has any tips?


Hi Lou, Is this your first appointment with a Neru? Have you had MRIs before? This is my second Neruologist, the first one looked for anything serious in the MRI and concluded it wasn’t MS or anything. But the conversation about Migraines never came up because I hadn’t had one in years.

Hi Skip,

I have just had a MRI scan and should have had the reuslts 2 weeks ago, but the ENT specialist keeps forgetting to call me to give me the results… nice! I am assuming that no news is good news though. I have been referred to see a Neurologist as the ENT at first thought I had Labyrinthitis but it doesn’t look that way now and he thought it could be to do with headaches/migraines as I have suffered from headaches all my life.

Not too sure how the Neuro is going to help, what can they do exactly?
What dose are you on for Amitrptyline? i am now up to 30mg a night, am noticing i am feeling a bit better, the headaches are not so bad now, although eveything still looks verrrrry surreal…


— Begin quote from “Lou”

Hi Skip,

Not too sure how the Neuro is going to help, what can they do exactly?
What dose are you on for Amitrptyline? i am now up to 30mg a night, am noticing i am feeling a bit better, the headaches are not so bad now, although eveything still looks verrrrry surreal…

That’s a good question, if they are experienced with headaches then maybe they will confirm the migraine/vertigo/dizziness connection. I will bring both previous MRIs so he can review them as well.

I’m on the 25 mg dose before bed time. I feel a bit better with concentration and a little more relaxed, however, the imbalance feeling is still there in the back ground. I know what you mean “surreal” it was like that before the drug, and that has let up a bit as well.

— End quote

Hi Skip,

yes I guess we just have to keep increasing the dose and hoping for the best! Let me know how you get on with it… i am going to increase to 40mg in a few weeks…


Which doctor is overseeing your increased dosage, Neurologist? My doctor, PCP, is just trying this for me to see if it works. He told me to inrease slowly to 30 mg a night and when I called him back for a new prescription he prescribed 25 mg tabs. So I’m assuming he doesn’t want me to go over 30 mg a night. Is it typical to have to increase the dosage substantionally to see benefits?

Hi Skip,

my doctor is overseeing my doseage, although when i saw the ENT he also agreed it would be good to try Amitriptyline to see if would help, at the time i was only on 10mg and both agreed I would need to increase that, although never said at what dose i should stop at… hmm…

My doctor said that it is usual to keep increasing the doseage to try and get the desired effect, if after 2 weeks on the 30mg i still have the headaches and surrealness then i should increase the doseage. The doctor said that the doseage of 30mg is quite low and some people have to take 60mg a night. The doctor is monitoring me every few months at the moment and i only increase the dose by 10mg every 2 weeks.

Apparently this drug takes a good month or so to actually work so i guess it is early days yet?? ahhhhhh

what symptoms do you have at the moment? have you been diagnosed as having MAV?
I started as waking in the middle of the night getting out of bed and everything spinning round i had to grab the wall to stop falling over, that lasted for a day or so and then i just got this ‘brain fog’, surrealness, a bit liking being a dream, with pulses of dizziness throughout the day. After three months of it I do feel a bit better and have been able to get back to work, but i just don’t feel right… what about you?

Sorry for the long reply, hope you havn’t fallen asleep!


Hi Lou,
Initially (approx. 3 yrs ago) my symptoms were dizziness but not real bad spinning more like looking out of a fish bowl. It started like you, waking up one morning and I couldn’t even walk I was so dizzy. This lasted about 8 mos. and then I was symptom free for about 6 mos and then started all over again. Currently, the only symptoms I have are some back ground dizziness, some dream state type feeling, but much better that before the Ami. As I said before my concentration is much better with less stress too. I haven’t been officially diagnosised with MAV but I’m hopeful the new Neurologist will confirm it and regulate my dosage so I can see even more benefits.

Hi Skip,

its such a nasty illness this dizzness, i neve ralised how it can have such an effect on your life! yes stress or panicing makes me alots worse too.

i just want to get a diagnosis too, my ENT just called me to say that my brain scans are normal so next step is begging an apointment with the Neuro!

Good luck Lou, I’ll keep you posted. By the way, all my tests were normal too, just a slight weakness detected during a procedure to test the reaction and relationship from my inner ears to my eyes. I forget the name of the test though.

yes let me know how you get on, if you fancy a moan just drop me a line!