Blood Test Cannot Decipher What they mean

What do any of these mean?

TSH+T4F+T3 Free
TSH 1.530 Range 0.450-4.500
TRi ,Free, Serum 2.8 Range 2.0-4.4
T4, Free (Direct) 1.27 Range 0.82 -1.77

Sedimentation Rate-Westergreen 1mm/hr Range0-20 mm/hr

The Sedimentation Rate seems very low to me but I cannot locate real concrete on the internet that explains low levels , though there is plenty of information about high levels. If anyone knows how to decipher these readings please let me know …thanks ahead of time and i have no idea about what the TSH levels mean.

TSH is thyroid stimulating hormone. The pituitary gland produces TSH, which makes the thyroid produce t3 and t4. It works in a circle…thyroid —> t3t4 —> pituitary gland —>TSH —> thyroid. If you are hyperthyroid (which I was once), your TSH would be really low. If you are hypothyroid, the TSH level will be high. Your TSH looks normal to me though, which means your thyroid is working properly.

I get my thyroid checked evey few months (I am on a t4 medicine, since I took a radioactive iodine pill a few years ago to kill off part of my thyroid), and all they generally care about is my TSH level.

Are you having any symptoms of hyper or hypothyroidism? I have been in the “normal range” before but still felt bad, because it wasn’t normal for me.

Not really sure as I feel so bad all the time it is really hard to tell if the symptoms would fall into that category or not. According to the charts mine are within the normal range. I am to see an Endocrinologist in April so I guess I can discuss it with her as my doctor basically will tell me I am within the range so there is nothing to worry about. I have a lot of very strange symptoms and I guess I find it hard to believe they ALL fall into the MAV category, I am so afraid that something is going to be missed. :frowning:

Hi Timeless,
Based on these numbers, your doctor is correct in terms of your thyroid. It is functioning perfectly. With regards to your ESR, the lower the better, so that number is very good as well.
All the best,

— Begin quote from “MAVNY”

Hi Timeless,
Based on these numbers, your doctor is correct in terms of your thyroid. It is functioning perfectly. With regards to your ESR, the lower the better, so that number is very good as well.
All the best,

— End quote

I know according to what I have read that the ESR should not be high, but some of the information states that it being low can also indicate problems.

— Begin quote from ____

A low sed rate can also signal a disease or abnormality and may indicate conditions such as:

  Heart failure
  Sickle cell anemia
  Polycythemia (abnormal increase in circulating red blood cells)
  Hyperviscosity (thickening of the blood)
  Low levels of plasma protein levels

— End quote


I am not disputing what you are saying there is just confusion when you start researching the information. I just want to be able to understand the test and what they mean and the results. I understand the physicians do not have time to sit down and go over each test with every patient but I feel like I have to be my own advocate to make sure no stones are left unturned.


I understand your frustration and I urge you to talk about this more with your physician. That being said, there are generally more overt signs than just a low ESR that would point to those conditions you just mentioned. It would be highly unlikely a blood test such as the ESR would uncover this on it’s own. I am sorry you are still feeling so lousy. Please let us know what your physician has to say regarding your bloodwork.

— Begin quote from “MAVNY”

I understand your frustration and I urge you to talk about this more with your physician. That being said, there are generally more overt signs than just a low ESR that would point to those conditions you just mentioned. It would be highly unlikely a blood test such as the ESR would uncover this on it’s own. I am sorry you are still feeling so lousy. Please let us know what your physician has to say regarding your bloodwork.

— End quote

Thank you Lisa. I am seeing a Rheumotolgist and an Endocrinologist in the next few weeks I am sure one of them will be able to shed some light on these issues. Plus I am seeing another Neurologist tomorrow to get the nerve study ordered for my legs. Are you feeling any better?

Hi Timeless -

Bless your heart, I feel so bad for you! I hate to say I hope all your symptoms are due to MAV, but actually, I do hope so because I hope you don’t have any other condition going on to worry about in addition to this one!

From every test I’ve ever had explained to me, my understanding is that any number that falls within the range is completely normal. So all of the tests you had show everything that was tested is just fine.

My father had polymyalgia rheumatica (a condition that affected how high he could lift his arms, but had to do with his arteries, if I recall correctly) - which is something that that they did the sed rate test for. But yours is fine so you obviously don’t have that condition. (You are able to lift your arms above your head, right? Dad couldn’t do that until after he’d been on prednisone for some time.)

Try not to worry - I know, easier said than done. But as far as these tests go, everything looks fine!