Can a GP prescribe Topamax anyone know?

HI can a GP prescribe or does it have to be a specialist ? Maybe only people from the UK can answer this thanks

Hi Blondie - how you feeling? I don’t see why a GP couldn’t prescribe topamax? My gp prescribed nori just fine - are you hoping to have a stash ready for as soon baby is here? X

Hi Anna

Yes my GP said they will treat me aggressively now as I kicked up when I last went so Im going in guns blazing when Ive had him because I need to get back to 80-90% so I can look after the kids etc
I just thought its an anticonvulsant so more than likely has to be prescribed by a specialist and I really hope not because its about a two month wait and I want to go on it asap.
Ive spoke to four people since last week who have got great results off this so Im pinning my hopes on it x

My gp has prescribed topamax. I had a scpecialist orginally prescibe it for me but they are almost impossible to get a hold of so my gp has been prescribing the refrills for me.

Hi Blondie,
A GP most certainly can. However, they would need some knowledge of MAV or migraine. My gp was the one who actually cracked the code and figured out I had MAV. I guess it all depends on how open your gp is. Are you going to try topamax?