
— Begin quote from “MAVNY”

Thanks Lisa. Will do… I just mentioned in another post that I am increasing my med today on my own. I am desperate and feel cofident that nothing is going to happen going from 100 mg to 120 mg…

I’ll keep you posted.

— End quote


Have you thought of trying Valium to see if it would help you get to a better baseline…it seems to work well for Scott and I think it may be the only thing that keeps mine at bay when I am at a baseline.

— Begin quote from “Timeless”

— Begin quote from “MAVNY”

Thanks Lisa. Will do… I just mentioned in another post that I am increasing my med today on my own. I am desperate and feel cofident that nothing is going to happen going from 100 mg to 120 mg…

I’ll keep you posted.

— End quote


Have you thought of trying Valium to see if it would help you get to a better baseline…it seems to work well for Scott and I think it may be the only thing that keeps mine at bay when I am at a baseline.

— End quote

Hi Timeless…
I have been taking o.5 mg clonazepam every day for 1.5 years… doesn’t really help me, but until I find a med that controls my symptoms, I am keeping this on board. I have also tried valium with no effect. Zero.
Thanks for your thoughts…

I Currently have a bad cold at the moment and all my ears are bunged up, can’t hear properly and are ringing, since these symptoms my mav symptoms have got worse when I’ve been doing really well up until this point on pizotifen! I’m really scared I’ve gone backwards after catching this cold, do things return to normal once the cold subsides? (Please say they do)

‘They do’. Better now? Don’t worry. Once the cold clears the rest will. Might take a bit longer than the cold symptoms but you will revert to baseline in due course.

Try not to panic when changes occur. Anxiety and worry just winds the VM up all the more. VM is an ongoing condition and it doesn’t take much to wind it up. A cold, Hayfever, the flu jab. VM leaves one in a hypersensitive state so expect reactions to anything untoward that comes along. That’s just the way it is. Sometimes you will be pleasantly surprised. Something unaccustomed will happen and you won’t get an increase in symptoms. Then you will feel good.


I am suffering with a head cold also. Second in as many months. I can honestly say, it’s the only time I really get absorbed with my VM as it highlights the symptoms/ sensations I have. I manage those just fine (with meds/ lifestyle/ diet/ good friends) and the minute I have anything affecting my head the anxiety starts. Then before you know it back to my baseline. This is what I’ve taught myself to tell myself the minute I have an anxious thought. I may do this twice a minute on occasions!
I tell myself it’s okay to feel sorry for yourself. No one likes to feel poorly with a cold. I can be angry and even tearful. I then say it’s scary and it’s taken me to some dark places. So I’m allowed to be terrified. But I’m safe now. I’m not normally like this and we know why I’m feeling worse. I actually cuddle/ pat myself. I finish off by saying all will be fine, I always recover to baseline, other sufferers on this page go through the same, my neurologists huge clinical knowledge tells him the same. I’m talking to myself like I would comfort one of my kids. Give it try. It works. Use kind words, words you would like to hear; sweetie, bubba, my friend, pal…. Over a period of time you can retrain your emotional response and if you keep the anxiety at bay then it’s a lot easier for the few days, or in my case, weeks, the cold/ flu lingers. You may think I’m crazy!!!


Thank you both so much! It’s the first cold I’ve had since my whole mav journey started and I thought I was on my way to recovery as things were starting to settle (slowly but surely) and now with this cold it’s took me back to square one! Also normally I don’t suffer too bad with colds but this one has really played havoc with my head and ears and I’m hoping these will soon settle.

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Any colds coughs, mild Covid, lack of sleep, jetlag infection of any kind will send me reeling with MAV for weeks it’s a nightmare!

How are you recovering kerry95?

If it’s any comfort to you then I’m still having a rough time with a cold and am having to work very hard not to get drawn in mentally.

Look after yourself and be extra kind to yourself at the minute.

I must have revisited on and ons message several times to reinforce the message it can take time. The only time I struggle with this is when I’m ill or stressed.


Hi! My cold has eased but my dizziness/vertigo not so much yet, I’m just praying it will. Going to give it a few more days then start a higher dosage of pizotifen as instructed by my doctor.

It will. Just takes a while for everything to calm and get back to baseline. I’ve suffered with chronic VM for 30 years and the only time it slips downwards from 95% baseline (a slight lightheadedness but perfectly manageable) are when I’m mega stressed or have any illness related to ear, nose and throat. Eventually it settles and I’m back at my baseline. Don’t get me wrong, I have to work hard with the help of daily meds, diet and saying no things that I know will not help the condition!!
Hopefully we will both be fine very soon.

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Hi @kerry95 did it all clear and you returned to your baseline? Hope so. Best.

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Me again! So I managed to pick another horrible cold up with an ear and throat infection, the first couple of days my mav symptoms were just my normal baseline but once my cold started to come out they’ve got worse. I feel like I’ve took 10 steps backwards arrrrrgh. I know I got over this a few months ago but I was doing about 70% better before I got ill and so I hope I don’t go back to where I was this time last year :weary: it’s really getting me down as I was doing so well.