See this thread:
That was the question I asked my Dr at Mass Eye & Ear and he said he would rather see me go get a massage instead of going to a Chiropracter. He says its usually arthritis or muscle tension that causes the neck problems us MAVers experience.
Chiropractic care is effective for people of all ages, from infants to the elderly. Chiropractor treat a broad range of complaints, from back and neck pain to headaches, arthritis and more. Moreover, people don’t need to have a specific complaint to benefit from a visit. Chiropractors focus on on-going preventive and wellness care.
Chiropractic care for infants is absurd and retarded. I wouldn’t let a chiro within 50 yards of a young child of mine. What a joke to think a baby needs it’s spine cracked.
— Begin quote from ____
Chiropractors focus on on-going preventive and wellness care.
— End quote
You mean they focus on making patients think they need to see a chiro for the rest of their life in order to keep the cash flow moving into their practice.
Let’s be clear that at best, chiropractic may help some people with lower back pain but no better than what a person would experience from a trained physiotherapist. There is ZERO evidence that chiropractic has any effect on the other things stated above or anything else apart from low back pain.
— Begin quote from “nathcart888”
We have a thesis about alternative health care and I decided to choose the Chiropractic Care. But the first thing I want to be answered first before to proceed here is; could chiropractic care help us? If so, how?
thanks for your responses
— End quote
Who is ‘we’?
I’ve decided to go to the Chiro… I have an appointment today. Not sure if it will help or not. I figure it’s worth a try
Oh the money I have wasted on “Alternative Therapies”… all of them did bugger all! Only treatment for MAV is medication! Sorry
You’d find if you ran a placebo-controlled trial which is obviously hard for chiropractic, you’d find no difference. People underestimate placebo effect in a big way.
I haven’t had any help with my MAV symptoms from the chiropractor but my neck feels a lot better. Before going my neck would crack at least 2 times a day because it would be very uncomfortable until it cracked and now I don’t have to. I have only been twice and she only wants to see me a couple more times. I used to not believe in going to chiros. But not anymore.
No!! I spent two months going to useless chiro visits 3 x a week. I even tried trigger point injections. All a waste of time and money. While adjustments may help with other issues, they certainly cannot with MAV.
I am married to an MD (physician) who thinks chiropractic care is just plain nonsense. I think that’s the general consensus among most medical doctors. (I’m sure there might be certain circumstances where they may be able to help.) With that said, my sister has had terrible migraines her whole life and swears that she hasn’t had any since she’s been going to a chiropractor.
Out of desperation, I had an appointment with a chiropractor recently who advertised “a free initial consultation” to see if he could help. Of course, he told me that 11 out of the 14 nerves in my neck were “pinched” since he could feel them knotted up. He took x-rays and then gave me a bill for $300. When I questioned him about the “free initial consultation” he said there would have been no charge if he said he couldn’t help me. Because he told me he could help me, I had to pay. I wonder how many people he’s told he can not help???
He wouldn’t give me the x-rays to take (for my husband to look at) and told me I needed to come back the next week when he would lightly adjust me. He said I probably wouldn’t even feel it and demonstrated an extremely light topical touch to my arm. Then, he would need to take another set of ($200) x-rays. After that I would need to come in 5 times a week for a 5 minute “adjustment” for $60 a visit. What a slimy SOB.
Hi KL,
Thanks for telling us about this. It really is just a rort. They tell you that you have to keep going back over and over again to fix these supposed “dumbluxations”. It’s just bullshit and without evidence. Your husband is a smart man.
I’d suggest that this chiropractor has committed fraud, or at best false advertising. I wouldn’t pay that $300. It’s indefensible in the face of the ‘free initial consultation’ advertising IMO.
You should report him to whatever shonky board chiropractors have and the Department of Fair Trading.
I would DEF report that guy!!!
False advertising for a start, and to the Chiro board for another.
I loved my chiro, haven’t seen him in years found him after a car accident. Going in once in a while for an adjustment was fine, never tried to force anything on me, and I didn’t pay a dime for my free consult.
This guy you saw stinks!! Report him!
Success Story:
MAV started on November 6th2013. I could not work or drive. I had vertigo and nausea and was sensitive to ultra violet lights, noises, especially could not sit in a restaurant. It was like being in an empty tin can.I had head pressure like a 10 pound brick was pressing out on my eyes, ears and at the back of my throat.Vertigo was severe at first lasting 4 days but then all the other symptoms stayed without the heavy duty spinning. Socializing was difficult because even facial expressions caused what I call episodes. Its like my brain was getting zapped every time I felt any kind of stress. Even having a little fun pushing match with my 15 year old son caused an episode of dizziness and nausea. I went to my gp who sent me to get ct scan, mri and it all came back clear including blood work. Early February went to a neurologist and he said I had MAV. I went to ENT and he said the same thing. The neurologist suggested drugs but I didn’t want to go that route until I exhausted every other effort. I wanted to find the core problem that was causing MAV.He then suggested I stop drinking coffee, add more water and add 500ml magnesium.
Stopping coffee helped me improve by about 50% which was great but I still could not sit in a restaurant or socialize because it would still cause episodes. Being in a quiet environment at home is great but I needed to join the world again so finally agreed to see my husbands chiropractor. My husband is a highly successful farmer who has had multiple accidents like cows falling on him etc. lol so he and his father are both pro chiropractor and so according to them, the adjustments keep them moving without pain. I was so afraid and doubtful despite their success. i read so many negative things about it and i didn’t want more pain somewhere else on top of what I already had.
1st adjustment fixed my hearing for a good few days so I could handle noise, it was crazy insane! He told me I also suffered from FHP forward head posture. It causes a ton of MAV symptoms including fibromyalgia etc.So he had a plan of adjusting me so my head would sit on top of my body, not 2 inches forward. for every inch a persons head is forward, it adds 10 pounds that our necks try to carry so it can cause problems with the nerves. I also added acupunture and felt horrible after. She changed the needles the second visit so there was no discomfort. All through March I went to the chiropractor 3 times a week and acupuncture 2 times a week. I also went to a naturopath and changed my diet to healthier stuff. Results: I dont think the acupunture was life altering and the food changes were ok but the chiropractor was certainly working so by the end of March I could go to a restaurant and socialize BUT I still had serious issues around facial expressions. You know people talk and their eyes get big when they express themselves then the person listening might also show similar expressions. I couldnt because it caused an episode. I then went to see an active release therapist. This is not a relaxing massage, I had to move constantly. She said my shoulders and neck were just a solid knot which could be contributing to my condition. she also suspected that I had a concussion in my life at some point. Next visit she massaged inside my mouth and it was so painful, it was unbelievable! She said my TMJ was causing my symptoms especially the brick pushing out symptoms. It worked better than anything. I even went to a fund raiser that night and spoke publicly with no issues. I’m sharing all this with you because going the non traditional route is highly expensive and time consuming. I wanted you to know what worked for me so it might save money and time for some. Living with MAV was feeling like a life sentence of isolation because our whole world is a trigger. I will continue to go to the chiropractor once a month for the rest of my life with pleasure. When he presses between my shoulder blades and releases all the tension it is the best feeling ever. I recently read there was a smearing campaign that lasted for years making people fearful of chiropractors, I was one of them. The drug industry has made more mistakes than anyone but there are times in our lives when we need drugs so we can’t just cut them out.
Hi Jenny,
Glad you are feeling well.
It sounds to me that lifestyle changes (dietary) and releasing trigger points in your neck have been the key to increasing your threshold. You could accomplish the same and probably more by seeing a physiotherapist who will not only release the knots in your neck but also mobilise the joint and stop the nerve irritation.
I wasted 2 years seeing a chiropractor who gave me temporary results sometimes. It was mostly associated with what’s called regression to the mean. In other words, I went when I was at my worst and so by the very nature of things, the next day was not as bad. However, seeing a properly trained physiotherapist who understands the way in which the upper cervical nerves can impact a migraine brain was key.
Keep that in mind if you get tired of having your neck cracked. It’s a potentially dangerous procedure.
Hi Scott
I did go to a physio therapist and she never touched any part of me. Instead she gave me exercises of small sideways shaking of my head which made me so sick I couldn’t to it. She said I had to get my brain to adjust to the vertigo.
So if I try that route again I need to find a good physio therapist!
Thanks very much for the tip Scott
I go to a chiropractor every now and then on the suggestion of my rheumatologist. My back always feels a lot better but it is hard to see how it could help mav symptoms. Whatever benefit I get from the chiropractor could probably also be achieved with a good massage but insurance doesn’t pay for massage.
Yeah good massage can give relief from back or neck pain.I have visited many times to chiropractor they do well with such kind of muscular pain. Also i have heard about other chiro who commit fraud by false advertising but in real they have no knowledge about chiropractic techniques. So after that incident i have known i always visit Back Pain Doctors for any kind of muscular injury.