Dizzy when watching things move?

Does anyone get dizzy from watching things move ? For example, I literally get dizzy from everything…my son likes to spin in circles & watching do so, makes me super dizzy! Watching my daughter swing in her swing also does it. I used to be able to watch tv without an issue, but now its becoming a problem. I also get extremely dizzy outside. The world looks as if im viewing it thru strong glasses. Moving my head around is also almost impossible. Even rolling my eyes makes me dizzy! I gguess I just wanna make sure these are symptoms of mav & not something else. Thanks guyd!

Yup - definitely. And the worse I feel (like today - lousy day), the worse it is. (Ugh.)

Yes, when the kids are running around I have to focus on a spot on the wall and not follow their movements with my head.

Im sorry, hope u feel better asap! It really does suck though. Yesterday I saw a butterfly flying & it made me so sick & I got depressed cause literally everything makes me dizzy now & I start & new job at a call center today and im really dcared…i dont know how im gunna do it! Its hard for me to read on a computer screen so this is not gunna be fun! :frowning:


Good Luck. I work in a call center and it is very hard to do with this problem. I have been on medical leave since dec because of it. I’m getting ready to go back to work though, probably within the next few days. I wish you the best of luck. Remember, If you have problems with computers, the migraine or computer glasses can sometimes help.


Yes, get dizzy watching a roundabout, watching a dog spinning round chasing its tail, watching a train go past, at T junctions watching cars go past, when the camera isnt steady watching the TV, or when something is spinning round on the TV, all those things and more!


Hi Gina

Count me in too! Literally anything and everything that moves has the potential to set me off feeling dizzy. At my worst, ridiculous as it sounds, even the dog’s tail wagging back and forth would do it. And the examples you cite - swings, kids playing, watching TV, rolling your eyes - and also everything on Christine’s list, are all things than can bring on dizziness for me.


yes…you r not alone…i have problems when in a car turning on a roundabout or just a sharp turn. patterns on floors & carpets make me dizzy. watching things like a merry go round…like the others have listed, its sometimes hard to just enjoy life without getting the spins.


I’ve realized in the past couple days that scrolling up or down on the computer makes my dizziness significantly worse. This is proving difficult because I spend all day staring at the computer at work and constantly have to scroll up and down on the screen to do my job.

— Begin quote from “Gina423”

Does anyone get dizzy from watching things move ? For example, I literally get dizzy from everything…my son likes to spin in circles & watching do so, makes me super dizzy! Watching my daughter swing in her swing also does it. I used to be able to watch tv without an issue, but now its becoming a problem. I also get extremely dizzy outside. The world looks as if im viewing it thru strong glasses. Moving my head around is also almost impossible. Even rolling my eyes makes me dizzy! I gguess I just wanna make sure these are symptoms of mav & not something else. Thanks guyd!

— End quote

I wonder if this may be Visual Vertigo. If you search for that on Google and also on this site you should get some descriptions which you can match with your symptoms.

watching things that move dont bother me. Its the things that should be stationary that are moving that freak me out e.g. Train station platform