Driving difficulties anyone? Feel like I am sitting still

Okay, I have already been diagnosed with Basilar Migraines last year and was put on Verapamil. That has helped curb the migraines thank God. Lately however I have been having trouble while driving. After a while I start feeling like I am sitting still, not moving, while everything else is moving toward me. Almost like a trance. This drives me nuts and gives me a sense of being in font of a screen… like a video game or a virtual ride. Anyone relate? What can I do??? :oops:

Hang in there! I now finding myself covering my eyes during certain movie scenes. I’ve also had to pull over a couple of times as well as ask a friend to stop “zipping” around in his Mini-Cooper when I’m his passenger. :lol:

LOL Lisa! I know what you mean!! Before I got this bad… I was driving everyone crazy with telling them how to drive :slight_smile:

Hilarious! I have felt the same way not too long ago. I know its not funny but I felt that way but never told anyone. I figured nobody would want to drive with me. I used to be a big Nintendo player. I hope that feeling goes away for you soon.

I couldn’t help but laugh when you said you were a big nintendo player hahaha, me too! Dang that nintendo :wink:

How often did it happen to you and what did you do to advert it? I usually just freak out lol. I have a lot of ‘what if’ thinking with all of this now… like since I am seeing this way… what if I start hallucinating that the road is falling or something like that. I think I think too much! :lol:

— Begin quote from “Kathy G”

Hilarious! I have felt the same way not too long ago. I know its not funny but I felt that way but never told anyone. I figured nobody would want to drive with me. I used to be a big Nintendo player. I hope that feeling goes away for you soon.

— End quote

It feels like you’re driving a car in Mario Kart. It used to happen before I went on Nortriptyline. It hasn’t happened for a while. It just went away on its own. Not sure if you can do anything to make it go away. Are you on any meds? Hopefully it will go away real soon for you as well!

Hi, I have been on verapamil for a while… this happened long after I was on it. I was starting to decrease the med when it came on… I have recently increased it to see if that helps. I am a mess these days. Glad to hear yours went away!! :slight_smile:

If I’m driving and start feeling weird, if I can’t wrestle it under control right fast, I pull over. Suffering from this condition, or any other, doesn’t give me the right to put people at risk.

Well said, David.