Facial (Temple Eye) Twitching MAV?

After five months of waiting a Neuro-ophthalmologist diagnosed me with vestibular migraines. All the symptoms I have fit but one. I get a visible twitch above the far corner of my eyebrow that can also cause eye twitching at the corner of my eye (think above eyebrow and in-between ear). These twitches are visible and fast almost like a lightning strike but not painful. They are always on the right side and have went on for months but hit worse in the morning. My vertigo and tinnitus will start shortly after. My MRI, CTA, CT, and bloodwork are all fine and it is not caused by meds because I haven’t started my nortriptyline yet. I guess I am just freaking out about this and want to know I am not alone or something serious isn’t going on. So does this happen to anyone else also if you are more curious I can provide a video of the twitch. Thank you all!

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Welcome to the board!

I had a symptom in the old days that was odd, and centred around the forehead. It felt like an aching ‘brain rumble’ is the only way to describe it.

It’s since completely disappeared, but it wasn’t very pleasant - hang in there!

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Crazy what all this can do to us. I will just try to take it easy and learn to adjust to all of this. Still curious to see how many others had this strange symptom. I am sure a lot of us have and in the early days it is kind of easy to focus on what the body is doing.

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I wonder if it just simply a tic, unrelated to the vestibular migraines and perhaps coincidental and/or unrelated that the vertigo and tinnitus start shortly after.

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This maybe it as well. Being dizzy and sick almost everyday put quite a bit of stress on me and I won’t lie I was really anxious. Could have been clenching my jaw or a million other things. It still goes on but the better I feel with the vestibular migraines the less it happens.

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