I have been trying metamucil for about 2 weeks now. Its great as a fiber supplement and has other health benefits as well. Cured my gut issue. You may go to the restroom more often but it’s worth it. I have the metamucil brand but any generic brand like walgreen will do. Make sure it has psylllium musk. I have both the pill version and the powder version. I take the 5 capsules in the morning with breakfast and take the powder version 2 time whenever in the day.
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This is how i control weight on amitriptyline by using fiber to combat cravings.
Get a probiotic ( cheap one) it improves microbiome in gut considerably. Imho all probiotics have almost same strains.
Any particular brand Emily?
Really ? Cani aks how it helps ? I have such bad bloating would this help? @Young_Lee
You may have bloating at first because your taking your taking in fiber but over time my digestive system feels better and moves better. I had bloating issues because of my poor diet but this fixed it over time in about a week or so. I feel leas hungry as well.
This one. I get it from Thrive, but I found it on Amazon:
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Fiber is good in both directions. Some use it for increasing movement. I use it for decreasing movements. IBS is comorbid with MAV a lot of the time. Fiber keeps me from living in my bathroom.
Thanks guys @Young_Lee so would these supps help hunger and bloating ? Double win