Gluten intolerance

Some of y’all might be interested in this: … 56636.html

Basically, it reports that researchers have verified non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and that it can cause headache and dizziness (among other things). That’s probably not a controversial finding in this group, but I thought everyone would want to see the article, anyway.


Just wondering if anyone here has gluten as a trigger.

I am spectacularly failing to find improvement on my migraine diet (Dr Surenthiran’s) of no dairy, eggs, citrus, caffeine, chocoalte or bananas. I fact I reckon I’ve just had one of the worst MAV days ever - horrendous vertigo, nausea, and pain in left eye, nose and neck. It started off well with breakfast in the sunny spot in my friend’s garden. A mixture of oat and wheat and barley cereal.

I was wondering, does ‘malted barley extract’ count as MSG in disguise?

The vertigo was so bad I passed out 3 times today and lost vision in left eye temporarily. It’s frightening when new symptoms start up just to add to the vertigo.

Dizzy Izzy

Gluten seems to be a trigger for me. I definitely feel lousy after eating glutenous grains. Malted barley contains gluten, so if you think gluten may be a trigger for you, avoid it. A low-carb diet without grains works best for me in terms of migraine symptom avoidance, but it is difficult to stick too. I suggest going gluten-free for a while to see how you do.

I’ve found dairy and eggs to be safe for me. Citrus, bananas, and chocolate are iffy, and caffeine is a hit and miss; sometimes it helps and sometimes it hurts. MSG, nitrates, and aspartame are for sure triggers.

I sure wish there were some solid guidelines for this mess…

i pretty much gave up on wheat and gluten quite a while ago so I’m not sure that’s my problem since i’m still sick. Not sure what my food triggers are if any. Wish i knew!!!


— Begin quote from “dizzyizzy”

Just wondering if anyone here has gluten as a trigger.

I was wondering, does ‘malted barley extract’ count as MSG in disguise?

Dizzy Izzy

— End quote

Hi - from what I understand from reading “Heal your Headache” by David Buchholz (don’t be put off by the title, it’s a really useful book!), absolutely yes - “malted barley extract” can be MSG under another name. This book also lists other names under which MSG can be found, some of which are very surprising. I loved eating cereals, but since realised that nearly all potentially contain some form of MSG (nearly all have some kind of ‘natural flavouring’ for example). So now, it’s boring old Shredded Wheat for me!


Iam doing the diet form that book and i thought we could have egss, right?

There are a lot additives that are really MSG in disguise, maltodextrin for example, found in supplements and foods is another one. Here’s a list:

Some people are sensitive to eggs and some are not. It is not on the official migraine preventative lists that I have seen, though.

— Begin quote from “lildonnajo”

Iam doing the diet form that book and i thought we could have egss, right?

— End quote

Hi - I don’t remember eggs being on any ‘to be avoided’ lists in that book, and I personally have eggs - hell, I’m running out of options otherwise! :wink:

It’s just my otoneuro who lists eggs (and all dairy) to avoid.

I’m a bit skeptical as he reckons nuts are ok.

I have heal your headache and eggs are ok

Sorry to confuse anyone

D-I x


Are you ok after passing out etc ??? How did the day end and are you feeling a bit more at ease? So sorry you had a Mofo of a day!!!

I’m seeing Mr Axon 2moro morning at Addenbrookes for his final diasgnosis and treatment plan!!
