Has anyone looked into binocular vision dysfunction?

Hi and welcome abroad.

First bit of advice. Calm down. Relax. Whatever type of vestibular issues you may have will only be exacerbated by stress and anxiety. As you await your forthcoming appointment there’s probably little you can do about your eyes. Your reaction to your current situation and therefore your mood is one thing you may well be able to exert some control over.

I’ve already written extensively on here on the subject of eye misalignments generally and even some stuff on the latest, and currently most publicised version BVD. See links and also please use the Search facility for further information on any keywords, such as prisms, to pick up other relevant posts.
Anyone Ever Use Prism Glasses?
Has anyone looked into binocular vision dysfunction?
Vertical heterophoria uk

I too was born with an eye misalignment, was regularly motion sick, and was a similar age to you when I first started experiencing VM. From reading your script I can see you are about to embark on the same path I did when vertigo/vestibular attacks first hit. I went from many dead ends to apparently running round and round in circles and proved nothing. Be warned. Having any sort of eye misalignment (there are a few different ones) muddies the waters when it comes to dealing with vestibular disorders. I spent years seeking answers and came to the conclusion that really none exist. Far too little is known and even less research done to have reached any definitive conclusions as to connections etc. That said your situation is far from hopeless. Management options are available all depending on your exact condition. Prisms in prescription spectacles can help as can ‘Vision Training’ under a ‘behavioural optometrist’ (couple more keywords there to Google) may help others. All these options are aimed at realigning your vision.

Now you just have to wait it out until your appointment. One good thing about eye misalignment is that with the correct ophthalmic tools it will be easily obvious to an eye specialist. You either have it or you don’t. Unlike vestibular migraine you will get a definite answer. If you require prisms and have glasses fitted you may well see a great improvement in a short period of time, couple of weeks, maybe less. However if your VM diagnosis is correct prisms aren’t going to cure that. You will therefore need to pick up and follow a VM treatment plan as well. For info on that read the sites Wiki sections.

Just my own opinion for what it’s worth but given your current age I’d very much doubt BVD is your entire problem. Most probably just a contributory factor which combined with hormones changes has pushed your towards a state of VM.

Please come back and update the forum on how you progress.