Please can anyone confirm what their head pressure/ear pressure/ear fullness feels like.
When it’s bad, mine feels like an intense pressure between my ears - kinda behind my nose - that then moves down to below my ears - almost like it’s in your throat/neck. It was terrible at the weekend and seemed to coincide with my general sense of disequilibrium being worse too. And I’ve got a twinge of it today.
Does anyone else experience it like this? And what is it? Is this the equivalent of a headache/migraine? I don’t get my normal migraines with this so I’m utterly confused.
I get crushing ear, head, and throat pressure, and congestion at the same time. I think at times I am going to suffocate. It’s like your head being placed in a vice?
Don’t want to hear you suffering but glad I’m not the only one. Thank you for replying.
So is that our ‘version’ of a headache? Why do we feel that? It’s very alarming.
I’ve actually had a really good day today - no mega symptoms at all BUT am now getting some throat pressure. I just don’t understand.
Sorry, I am not really sure what it’s all about… I have heard of others that do not get migraines but do get the pressure. Me on the other hand… I get both + dizziness 24-7. I started off with one killer migraine, then nothing at all other than ear, head, and throat pressure. After I started taking meds THEN I got migraines. Go figure. I’ve been on A LOT of different meds and they all give me headaches. (not migraines, just normal, bad headaches) I have noticed that changing position, applying ice packs to my neck, behind my ears and top of my head gets rid of the pressure, but does nothing for the headache. As well my husband bought me some Badger Balm (sleep balm) and massages it on my temples, forehead and shoulders and it does the trick (for pressure)!! I was just on their site and they now do a headache balm…I’ll try this one next!
Sorry I can’t be more help. Try the ice and massage & hopefully that will help.