Headache-associated dizziness: prevalence and impact

And another excellent article from this particular edition of Cephalalgia. Slowly but surely, the evidence is being collected for migrainous vertigo as a true entity. I wonder when the IHS will get their act together and redefine what migraine is and finally include vertigo?

Check out these numbers from this group of 1,909 migraineurs:

"The analysis revealed that dizziness in our sample is a common accompanying symptom of episodic headaches, affecting 51.1% of participants, which is in the same order of magnitude as visual symptoms. Dizziness was significantly linked to migraine after controlling for gender, headache frequency, presence of visual symptoms and type of recruitment.

This study shows that dizziness associated with headaches has a negative impact on functioning in professional and social life and is associated with low mood. The impact of dizziness remains significant after controlling for headache type and frequency, gender and presence of visual symptoms, suggesting that it is an independent factor for negative impact, and should therefore be further studied."