Help! Forgot to take Ami!

I forgot to take my amitriptyline last night! I got into bed early with period pains, and increased dizzies due to hormone, and then just forgot to take them! Is that really bad, or will i be ok?

Hey! Same thing happened to me! Called the doc, she said just to skip it and continue the next day/evening. You will be ok. Didn’t experience anything weird.

— Begin quote from “belgianwaffle”

Hey! Same thing happened to me! Called the doc, she said just to skip it and continue the next day/evening. You will be ok. Didn’t experience anything weird.

— End quote

oh good. thanks so much! x

This is def not great advice but when I’ve had a few drinks over Christmas I skip my nori. I actually feel better for it!! I just take the next dose as normal the following evening. I know this is prob not the right thing to do…but I never suffer any more for having skipped a dose. Xxxx

— Begin quote from “DizzieLizzie1”

This is def not great advice but when I’ve had a few drinks over Christmas I skip my nori. I actually feel better for it!! I just take the next dose as normal the following evening. I know this is prob not the right thing to do…but I never suffer any more for having skipped a dose. Xxxx

— End quote

Haha good to know! And thanks, great to know i wont feel shittier than usual today! every little helps! Bloody hormones making everything rock like a stormy sea anyway!
A few drinks are a way in the future for me yet; but i have to admit, i know exactly what i’ll be having, and i will be skipping the ami for a night when it happens! 8)

What will you be having?? Sorry too curious! :lol:

Gagging for a good pint.

But mainly - MOHITOS! I love cocktails!! Although thinking about it, the lime in thatone won’t be a good idea, so maybe i’ll go for a strawberry mohito! x