
Guys i am not sure i can do this…todays was a bad day with a lot of dizziness and spiked my anxiety and took valium at 6pm then took the nortriptyline at 8 and as soon as 9pm rolled around i fellt waves of something going ovver my whole body over and over like tingles in my brain and now anxiety is peaked and i am not due for more valium till midnight just not sure i can do this med thing!! help advice please i am freaking out!!

— Begin quote from “DesperatlyDizzy”

Guys i am not sure i can do this…todays was a bad day with a lot of dizziness and spiked my anxiety and took valium at 6pm then took the nortriptyline at 8 and as soon as 9pm rolled around i fellt waves of something going ovver my whole body over and over like tingles in my brain and now anxiety is peaked and i am not due for more valium till midnight just not sure i can do this med thing!! help advice please i am freaking out!!

— End quote

The way you sound right now, it might be a good idea to contact a medical professional.

Hey DD, can you page your Doc?
Did he know you use valium when he RX’d the Nort?

Hang in there. If you feel that bad (like Rich did when he took that drug) I sure wouldn’t take anymore.
The half-life on that drug is up to 60 hours. Just depends on your body.
Hang in there sweetie, but I’d page the Doc.


there is no way to page my doc just going to try to calm down yes she knew i use valium

do you have an “Ask A Nurse” program in your area? If so, they take 24 hour calls, at least they do locally.

not that i know of going to just try to sleep it off and prob not take it again nothing they can do now anywyas it is already in my system

I know this is after-the-fact, but I’ve called Hospital Emergency Room before and talked to nurses who’ve been quite helpful.

How are you today?

i dont know i guess i am better today just tired i think the tingle thing freaked me out and the panic attack after was just so big i couldnt control it…

It sounds like you’re really having a rough time with this–hopefully it’s trending towards better.
What dose of nortriptyline did you start at?
We are all different, and it’s so hard to know if you can’t tolerate a medication and when to give up on a “good faith” trial. I hope it’s going better and you’re getting better.

they started me at 10mg but i have had to take valium for the past three days and probably tonight which has me worried but it is the only way to keep the panicked controlled!

I sure wouldn’t worry about taking valium 3 nights in a row - anybody disagree?

People take Benzos every day.
What’s the big deal taking it 3 days?

i am begining to wonder if i will ever not feel something when i take a pill…i worry all day about it and my anxiety is high all day…the first night i dint want to take valium and i had bad panick attack 3 horrible waves of tingling dizzies from scalp to toes then insomnia…the second night i had anxiety and took valium with it slept not too bad…third night took valium before i took it and that wasnt terrible but i felt exhausted and my eyes seemed slow…the fourth night i took valium before but had a horrible wave of i dont even know what and it sent me into more of a panick…tonight i took my valium at 7pm and my nortriptyline at 7:30 and my head feels woozy and i am nauseous and exhausted…will there ever be a point where i DONT need to take valium and i DONT feel anything caus taking valium every night is probably not too good but it is the only way i can make myself take the nortriptyline…why was i not so bad the second and third night but the fourth and fifth and first sucked so bad??

Concerning the valium - I took it every day for about six months while I thought I had Meniere’s. It stopped my vertigo attacks for about the first five months. When my neurotologist put me on Nortriptyline he had me stop the valium - just to see if we could cure my problems without it. I didn’t have to wean myself off or anything and I had no ill effects from stopping it ‘cold’. And I didn’t feel any urges to continue taking it - I wasn’t addicted or anything.

Of course we’re all different, but please please try not to worry about taking this valium if it helps you to feel better. You’re in control of it - it’s not controlling you. In a perfect world, we wouldn’t have these weird problems and wouldn’t have to take anything at all … but thank goodness for stuff like Xanax & Valium … and Nortriptyline & Verapamil & all the others.